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My tower fell W. of Minoc Fel



I havent played on LS lately so i turned a few of my accts off
well actually I havent played anywhere the past few months.
But i got on yesterday and seen my tower West of Minoc in Fel
was greatly worn.
It is on the water called the Bay of Hope, it was north of a house
called the Love Shack owned by Dark Fairy, a castle owned by Tammy
and a keep owned by Abera Cadaver.
When I reactivated my acct yesterday the tower was greatly worn
and it should have refreshed at server up, I was goign to empty it and
take it down but it fell today anyway. I dont care about anything I lost
in it other than a few soul frags in it that belong to my accts.

If anyone knows who might have been there, I know some people
do IDOCs regularly like Prax and others. When I logged in today
there was a house there with some of my chest and hides laying around
but no one was there and I already forgot the name on the house.
When I relogged later the house was gone.

I would greatly appricate any help I could get in getting my frags back.

Thanks in advance.


Hey sat! I got ur q this morning but had to leave for work so I couldn't reply.

Unfortunately I don't think that he has done anything on LS for a while, and with my work schedule I have pretty much stopped doing idocs as well. I hope you find them tho. And I hope the family is doing good.

Love u and miss u!!


Thank you Rock for letting me know
so far no one has came forward
Prax told Fury he wasnt there, so Im
probably out of luck here

We are hanging in here as a family
still waiting on a new liver then our lives
will better and praying for the family that will
lose a loved one for our lives to be better.

Please donate your organs
other familys lives depend on it.