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[Discussion] My Rose List


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have received several requests for my rose spreadsheet and am more than happy to comply. However, I wanted to address a few things here to save everyone some time. So here are a few bullet points, if I missed a question you had please feel free to respond via this thread, pm, or ICQ me at 244373602.

1. This is an incomplete rose list!! Yes it has approximately 3k roses listed but I have LOADS more to inventory. So if you don't see a name you want, please keep checking with me for updates.

2. Some roses will not be for sale for any price, some will be tough but if the price is right... who knows.

3. Pricing of roses is NOT fixed. Each rose is unique and will be priced accordingly. I am always open to negotiation and will even consider trade roses.

4. I have recently moved castles and although I was careful some were jostled from their proper place, so even if the list says I have them and tells me where to find them, it might take awhile.

5. Lastly if you would like to receive the list please contact me through one of the methods listed here and I will get it to you as soon as possible.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks! I will be adding tons more AOS roses and more Whispering Roses as well. It will also eventually have a separate tab for AOS clothing. I'm just a tad OCD and this is a long time coming. Me getting somewhat organized that is :)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Thank you for the Roses and the smooth trade ^_^ I Paid first on Atlantic and Kahlan delivered on Pacific!