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My Pet is kinda disabled after the Publish


Stratics Veteran
Hello everyone,

I have a lesser hiryu with scrolled nearly all with 120s and she is my main pet. Yesterday I was in Belfry (Yeah pretty suck changes as it pushes you before your pet and you fall everytime after 10-15 secs you reached to the Belfry's floor), after Belfry pet my hiryu pet stopped doing everything. I command her, she listens me (Cauze she starts guarding me), but she never moves, never attacks nearby mobs, I can only ride her and nothing else at all. I tried to page for a GM, no answer for 2 days. Anyone else experiencing such an issue?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes that has been reported. Have to call A gm to fix it. :)