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My own drunken fault, atleast there are some good honest people left

They Call Me Al

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The other day I was playing around fighting against the new TB alliance and decided to pull out my old unused stealth archer to toy with them. Half his suit was on a new char that didn't have INS so therefore was uninsured. Upon my death I realized that I forgot to insure said items and they dropped.

Low and behold I returned to the field to find whomever had my suit pieces. Thankfully the person that looted my stuff insured it and returned everything without a question.

I just wanted to give props to those couple guys in despise that returned my items and were not jerks about it. I can't for the life of me remember names, but I'm sure I would recognize them upon seeing them.

Just a side note: if in the future this unfortunate occurance happens to one of you guys. The favor WILL be returned.

Thanks again for being "good guys"


Thats the kind of thing I want to see. Names would be appreciated - I remember this kind of thing!