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My new gig at the PLAYBOY MANSION !!!


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
yeas unfortunatly i havent been on much lately but i just wanted to share hugs with everyone i got my gig back at the playboy mansion doing inhouse security !!!! its ruined my uo gaming but once i get my routine down ill be able to get back to my imaginary life here in uo !!! and yeas low key they might be letting the guards give tours at the mansion who knows maybee ill be able to set up something for pac uo gamers tours of the mansion muuaaaa!!!!!:thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1: rolleyes: sorry but i guess this means no disneyland uo meeting looks sad ... :confused:

im thinking tour with crzy delicious stymie tyelor maybee get tanix out here woot woot

who knows ill prob be let go in a few weeks but might as well try to make it happen!!! and no i didnt have to be castrated to get the post lol