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My Meditation is not working



On my completely nude char with 115 med, I'm gain 1 pt. of mana every 5 seconds. Now this seems way too slow. I stoned meditation and the mana gain seemed nearly the same. put the skill back on, still the same thing.
Anyways I'm currently 8 in the que.
Any ideas why this is happening?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Operator Error?...la
Operator error as in Tank loaded the training program for B-206 instead of a B-212 like Trinity asked?

To OP: My mana regen seems ok, but I only have 100 med. If it only happened today, the only situation I can think of, is a non med-able piece of armour equiped. Maybe there's a display glitch and there's an item that wasn't unequiped. Happens sometimes when you get lagged while dragging off pieces of armour.

See if you can try refreshing the client display by casting night sight/heal on yourself or mounting/dismount an ethy. Shot of restarting the client (meaning you get dropped from the GM queue), I don't know how else to sync the client display.

Alternatively, see if you can equip armour on all 6 slots and unequipping them again.


Yeah it was operator error ..I am ashamed to say.

I was wearing bloodwood gloves and couldnt see them against my dark elven skin. It was causing me slow mana gain.
GM Clese found them tho, came quickly and sloved the problem. Way to go GM.
Sorry for taking up everyone elses time tho.