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My lates New

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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On March 9th at 6:57 pm cst time. I gave birth to my 2nnd Child we name Freyja Topaz Kinderknecht. she was 5 pounds 2 oz and 18 1/2 inch long.



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thank you. it been hard but i think i am back to this were before she same. she even give me time to even get in game for a little but and my oldies love to sit at the pc and watch me play so i think i am going have a little gamer on my hands with her

Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
thank you. it been hard but i think i am back to this were before she same. she even give me time to even get in game for a little but and my oldies love to sit at the pc and watch me play so i think i am going have a little gamer on my hands with her
For those that struggle to read what Jade has said here. Please allow me to make it clear.

Thank you.It has been hard,but I think I am back to where I was before she was born. She even gives me time to be in the game for a little while. My older children love to sit at the computer and watch me play,so I think I will have a little gamer on my hands with her.

To Jade: I am very happy you had a healthy baby girl. Cheers to you.
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