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my last 24 hrs in uo



ok was in the enhansed client. bought a music and peacemaking powerscroll. applied it set med down to accommodate the increase and tried to make macro. My char became bugged could not peace use music armslore or spirit speak . magery did work . get mes must wait a few moments to use another skill ok screwed hotbar no biggy log in to char in reg 2d same thing so figure char bugged . tried sever lines logging other acct and than back . recalled and gated all over the place and had no luck. this morning still bugged on both clients. also had husband and my brother log in and try.had called gm last night but logged after 40 minutes .Also brother in law logged in this morning. both brother and brother- in- law different states and have different isp. Ok this morning was told by a authority that i needed to call gm . Since it 8-9 tonight at the earliest before i can log in normal I asked my niece to log in and send gm help msg she said did an hr later msgs me says gm could not fix and suggested use other chars as with push to release it would take at least 3-4 weeks before could get anyone to help. I now know i am on at least someone hate list . when asked mame she claim can not remember . So can not be 100% sure but boy does uo gods hate me.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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DId you try to delete the macros in your character folder? Or try to reinstall the client? I had a similar problem with my character Sarberius I cant use the F10 11 or 12 keys or 7-0 keys that were set for macros.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
oh was in the enhansed client. bought a music and peacemaking powerscroll. applied it set med down to accommodate the increase and tried to make macro. my char became bugged could not pease music armslore spirit speeak . magery did work . get mes must wait a few monents to use another skill ok screwed hotbar no biggy log in to char in reg 2d same thing so figure char bugged . tried sever lines logging other acct and than back . recalled and gated all over the place and no luck. this morning still bugged both clients. also had husband and my brother log in and try.had called gm last night but logged after 40 minutes .ALSo brother in law logged in this morning both brother and brother in law differt states and isp ok this morning was told by a authority that i needed to call gm . ok since it 8-9 tonight at the earliest before i can log in normal ask my niece to log in and send gm help msg she said did an hr later msgs me says gm could not fix and suggested use other chars as with push to release would take at least 3-4 weeks before could get anyone to help. i now know i am on at least someone hate list . when asked mame she claim can not remember . so can not be 100% sure but boy does uo gods hate me.
Ok, I'm not trying to be an english teacher but holy cow! This post is unreadable. I have no idea what you are talking about. Full sentences and capital letters are your friends!

Do you realize that when you communicate like this it makes you look like you are about 7 years old?


it did not work on my comp and 3 other computers so do not think a macro or my client also does not work for anyone in enhansed or old 2d version and file would only be on my computer right

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, I'm not trying to be an english teacher but holy cow! This post is unreadable. I have no idea what you are talking about. Full sentences and capital letters are your friends!

Do you realize that when you communicate like this it makes you look like you are about 7 years old?
Did you ever think that English might not be the OPs native language? I understood the post well enough.


Sorry I know my post was horrible but excuse me for I am very upset .


You need to page a GM again. You need to state your problem to them clearly. This has happened to other people and GMs have fixed it. If the next GM won't help, try paging again 8 hours later. They will fix it eventually. This is your only hope.


Perhaps so, but most human languages break up information into smaller sentences and groupings so they can be read easily. So whether it's her language or not doesn't matter.


In any case, the only things I can think of to do are wipe the desktop file for the character, make sure there are no macros allocated. Then log in and try again. Also let the character sit for a few minutes and watch your journal and see if it notes anything happening.

If you have no macros and you didn't move or do anything and it still won't reset then it's definitely bugged and needs a GM to look it over -- which they DO have time to do regardless of what they might say, it IS their job.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ok was in the enhansed client. bought a music and peacemaking powerscroll. applied it set med down to accommodate the increase and tried to make macro. My char became bugged could not peace use music armslore or spirit speak . magery did work . get mes must wait a few moments to use another skill ok screwed hotbar no biggy log in to char in reg 2d same thing so figure char bugged . tried sever lines logging other acct and than back . recalled and gated all over the place and had no luck. this morning still bugged on both clients. also had husband and my brother log in and try.had called gm last night but logged after 40 minutes .Also brother in law logged in this morning. both brother and brother- in- law different states and have different isp. Ok this morning was told by a authority that i needed to call gm . Since it 8-9 tonight at the earliest before i can log in normal I asked my niece to log in and send gm help msg she said did an hr later msgs me says gm could not fix and suggested use other chars as with push to release it would take at least 3-4 weeks before could get anyone to help. I now know i am on at least someone hate list . when asked mame she claim can not remember . So can not be 100% sure but boy does uo gods hate me.
Please repeat this in Chinese. It would be clearer to me what your problem was.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Woody, try the suggestions below. Hopefully one will work for you:

- Use any crafting tool to open a crafting gump. Close it. Wait a few minutes. Now try using a skill that is on a timer and see if the problem is solved.

- Make a macro in the 2d client to "closegump" and then use it. (If this one works, credit goes to Ru on Siege Perilous. Was a suggestion she made here a few months ago: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=148145.)

- Try using the honor virtue on yourself.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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I'll probably get into trouble for this. Petra please be kind....

Would some of you SHUT UP about the way its typed. Just shut up. We don't
care. You didn't do anything to help the problem. Your a troll!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll probably get into trouble for this. Petra please be kind....

Would some of you SHUT UP about the way its typed. Just shut up. We don't
care. You didn't do anything to help the problem. Your a troll!
I agree. This is a UO forum not a grammar class. So what the post wasnt easy on the eye to read. It was still readable by anyone with half a brain (which I suppose rules out more than a few UHall posters) and we should be trying to help the OP rather than critique his/her writing style.

To the OP: Hope you get it fixed soon ... I think a GM is your best bet and bear in mind you might have to show a little perseverance to get them to address your issue. Good luck.

Trebr Drab

Sorry I know my post was horrible but excuse me for I am very upset .
I think most of us knew that, because we all get a little rattled when we're riled up. Just remember that the sun will come up tomorrow.

Edit: Heck Woody_cats, you're almost as old as me! I'll be seein' you in the wheel chair races! ;)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Go through all your macros and make sure you dont have 2 macros on the same key.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
quick fix try soulstone down below 400, and try to get any gains, if dont have souklsstones sorry!!

it did not work on my comp and 3 other computers so do not think a macro or my client also does not work for anyone in enhansed or old 2d version and file would only be on my computer right


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, I'm not trying to be an english teacher but holy cow! This post is unreadable. I have no idea what you are talking about. Full sentences and capital letters are your friends!

Do you realize that when you communicate like this it makes you look like you are about 7 years old?
Okay you would drive me nuts in RL. You seem obsessed with peoples IQ. From another post you posted. http://vboards.stratics.com/showpost.php?p=1372502&postcount=50 :coco: Sorry we are not all as smart as you seem to be Mr English teacher.:sleep2: Now critique this post and tell me what I did wrong