ok was in the enhansed client. bought a music and peacemaking powerscroll. applied it set med down to accommodate the increase and tried to make macro. My char became bugged could not peace use music armslore or spirit speak . magery did work . get mes must wait a few moments to use another skill ok screwed hotbar no biggy log in to char in reg 2d same thing so figure char bugged . tried sever lines logging other acct and than back . recalled and gated all over the place and had no luck. this morning still bugged on both clients. also had husband and my brother log in and try.had called gm last night but logged after 40 minutes .Also brother in law logged in this morning. both brother and brother- in- law different states and have different isp. Ok this morning was told by a authority that i needed to call gm . Since it 8-9 tonight at the earliest before i can log in normal I asked my niece to log in and send gm help msg she said did an hr later msgs me says gm could not fix and suggested use other chars as with push to release it would take at least 3-4 weeks before could get anyone to help. I now know i am on at least someone hate list . when asked mame she claim can not remember . So can not be 100% sure but boy does uo gods hate me.