Cant believe this is the first time I've visted this section of the boards! Some great stuff in the stickies. I wanted to post mine, though as its quite large I thought I'd put it in its own thread.
Its called "The House Of Bardic Fortune" and is mostly themed with the classic look of Brit bard shop. Its 18x18 and located a few screens north of luna on the Atlantic shard. I hate clutter so I kept it as simple as possible, the first floor has my main everyday use chests, rune book rack, armory and craft area. The second floor has a bedroom and music hall and the third floor has a study.
Its called "The House Of Bardic Fortune" and is mostly themed with the classic look of Brit bard shop. Its 18x18 and located a few screens north of luna on the Atlantic shard. I hate clutter so I kept it as simple as possible, the first floor has my main everyday use chests, rune book rack, armory and craft area. The second floor has a bedroom and music hall and the third floor has a study.