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My heart hurts


Stratics Veteran
My shard... It's gone.

My game... It's gone.

It died when they took away Haven. Haven was like our Nuketown.

If you sell a product, you sell it and please the customer. You are not pleasing us, and there are a LOT of us that still want to play. We play the free servers to get a tiny taste of action.

I honestly haven't played in close to 4 years. I tried getting my account up and running about a year ago, that was a chore and one website takes you to another, blah blah. Just said nevermind and bought WoW.

Bring back Haven... OLD, GOOD Haven... Make "Come back to Brit" MUCH easier to navigate.

As customers, we should matter.
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Lord Lew

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
? Bring back Brit was in September, and haven is still there, it's just infested with undead


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Your OSI/EA version of UO that you miss so dearly is gone.. im sorry to say... it was tagged bagged and buried long ago.

Why not try some of the other wonderful options available, the options that cannot be discussed on these forums.


Stratics Veteran
It's sad they can just let this game go. Make it free if they are not gonna do anything for the players anymore.
This is why nobody should ever get attached to a game.