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My goodbye.... for now

  • Thread starter Eyes of Origin
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Eyes of Origin

Hi everyone.. or those who will read this lol

I just wanted to say goodbye to everyone on Pac that I met while I was there and to those that may read this lol =)

I may pop in now and then on the boards to put my two cents in, I wouldnt be me, if I didnt. *insert devil pic here* lol

And so no one gets it wrong as to way I'm leaving, I will admit that I have been playing WoW from time to time, but even that may be coming to a close.
Real life has just become too busy.

I'm keeping one UO account open, because who knows.. I might be back at some point and just in case, I would hate to lose everything. Though, starting off as a baby character again might be fun! Hmm on second thought, probably not.

Have fun everyone! I may see you again in the future =)


Thank you Eyes for the wonderful reporting and posts! :thumbup:

Safe travels and best wishes . We hope to see you here and in game again soon.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aww, your quiting! That's not nice I remember the vent conversations where you would make fun of Steven for playing WoW, and now you gone and done it! ANYWAY, it was fun playing with you morgaine on both pac and origin I'll miss you too! (your an awesome imbuer may i add)

Balian of Asgard

See you soon, we know you will be back!!!

TY for the imbuing, we will miss you

Hi everyone.. or those who will read this lol

I just wanted to say goodbye to everyone on Pac that I met while I was there and to those that may read this lol =)

I may pop in now and then on the boards to put my two cents in, I wouldnt be me, if I didnt. *insert devil pic here* lol

And so no one gets it wrong as to way I'm leaving, I will admit that I have been playing WoW from time to time, but even that may be coming to a close.
Real life has just become too busy.

I'm keeping one UO account open, because who knows.. I might be back at some point and just in case, I would hate to lose everything. Though, starting off as a baby character again might be fun! Hmm on second thought, probably not.

Have fun everyone! I may see you again in the future =)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey it's not like i'm cheating on you or anything! Can't a guy like two imbuers?