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My freind in austin went to lord britishes house


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my freind who moved to austin went to lord britishes house. apparently its more like a castle i guess hes got buku bucks. anyway he built a replica of the old shakespearian play thingie in the front and i think there making a documentary or something on him how he went to space or at least broke the atmosphere.
like a shapesperian court for plays its a replica pretty cool huh :D


Wait, you're talking about Richard Garriot? Nah, hes broke as a joke. Spent all the money he made creating ultima, and went to space to spend like 2 days on the space station. I heard he was producing a new browser-based mmo so he could make more money to go to space again.. lol.. Sounds just like a UO player.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wait, you're talking about Richard Garriot? Nah, hes broke as a joke. Spent all the money he made creating ultima, and went to space to spend like 2 days on the space station. I heard he was producing a new browser-based mmo so he could make more money to go to space again.. lol.. Sounds just like a UO player.
YouTube - Secret Spaces - Brittania Manor

Multi-million dollar house doesn't sound so broke to me...


Multi-million dollar mansion doesn't necessarily mean he has cash. Its probably paid for hands down, and texas property tax isn't that bad. I mean, yeah, hes got a great deal more money than any of us here, but having enough to go to space again? Not by a long shot..