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My computer is getto...

  • Thread starter Crazy Fireball
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Crazy Fireball


Ignore the crappyness of the photo, took it on my phone and it kinda sucks.

I was messing around on TT, and then all the sudden, it just falls off. o_o

Now its ducktaped, with purple ducktape! :D


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ah, you don't need the front cover anyway! That is purdy ghetto though if I must say so myself. Have you ever taken it off and put it back on?

Sally Bumblefoot

Is that a Christmas rug with reindeer on it?
SHHH!!!! Terri!!!! I still have a Christmas rug by my front door for shoes. I cant find my normal one and am too cheap to go buy another one. Its the principle of the thing, ya know? It will be quite the conversation piece at my daughter's open house and our 4th of July party!!!:lol:

Purple duct tape is cool Sean. Can only be an improvement, no? rolleyes:

Crazy Fireball

Is that a Christmas rug with reindeer on it?
Yes LOL.

Ah, you don't need the front cover anyway! That is purdy ghetto though if I must say so myself. Have you ever taken it off and put it back on?
Lol i put it back on, i took a disk thing out, droped it, put it back in, tryed to play the sims, and it started to smoke.. so i dont want to take the rest a part.


The case falling apart is kinda funny and those front panels are generally not too sturdy. Smoke.... like Elga said is a bad sign. Generally means something will need to be replaced.


Crazy Fireball

yeah, i figured that out but my mom refueses to get a new one...

Im going to get one in a while though, if i pass the 9th grade ;D