Mark I thought for fiction for the Bane Chosen was solid. Well thought out, well written and well executed. I think it is a good direction to continue to take UO fiction.
Renyard, I think adding your own perspective on the interaction was also creative and interesting. When writing parallel fiction to Ultima Online Cannon, I find it better to filter those thoughts through characters of our own creation rather then cannon characters (EA run characters) even if we feel those characters are acting out of character from what we perceive them to be or believe.
That being said since there are perhaps infinite worlds, I propose you post alternate UO fiction with a sub heading as occurring on an alt shard which opens up infinite possibilities to re-write what and how things happen while keeping the integrity of what is happening on the shards we live on.
Just like we have bad days in RL, act differently then we expect, speak in ways we might not normally, or apply more then our standard amount of mascara, it is important to give fictional characters the benefit of the doubt as these character nuances help create a more believable reality. Though writing a character inconsistently will also damage that reality so you want to err on the side of consistency if you can.
Lore's Player