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my abscence this weekend..



I know I have told a few of you about my friend who had a stroke back in March that I have been helping out.. I just wanted to let you know that I wont be on this weekend cause she had 2 good size siezures today and now cannot be left unattended.. There is no internet at her house so I will be unable to stay in contact until I return home... Hopefully she recovers and this will only be for the weekend.. I will miss you all and I hope my trees dont die..lol..


Really sorry to hear about your friend, but your awesome for taking the time to be with her. Hope she recovers soon!


Another friend stepped up and gave me some time to be away..I dont know how this weekend will go so you might see me and you might not.. On my friends condition.. She seems to have regained the use of her left side although it took many hours to do so.. Her mental state has also improved so I think she may be just fine.. The siezures really scared me though so I am still a little shook up...


Sorry to hear that AImee. Hope everything goes well for you.