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[Selling] Mutant Hamhocks - Not Recommended for Human Consumption 100mil


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Selling Mutant Hamhocks - Not Recommended for Human Consumption
Origin Season 9 Thanksgiving Event Item - 1 of 10

Includes original bag it was looted with.

Currently on Great Lakes, buyer must pick up.

100mil - Will accept gold on GL or ATL.

PM or ICQ me at 389588701



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is the bag special in any way?
Isn't that a dyable color bag?

What about the ham, does that do anything when clicked?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The bag isn't special in any way, just came with the ham on the corpse and happens to be a similar color.

I haven't tested double clicking the ham, but a different owner claims to have tested it and it does nothing.


Stratics Veteran
The bag isn't special in any way, just came with the ham on the corpse and happens to be a similar color.

I haven't tested double clicking the ham, but a different owner claims to have tested it and it does nothing.

I sold one of these last week and while i had it in my possession i went over to TC and dbl clicked it and nothing happened. Hope this helps.