However, fungi and insects are not bad at all....
I think I found secret formula for mutation, which fungi/insects is must!
With this method, I was able to produce 18 out of 194 mutants(12 black, 6 white) on last crop, and next harvest, I will have 14 out of 78( 10 black, 4 white).
Mutation Report 3/28
9 out of 78 (3 black, 6 white)
So this is totaling 41 mutations in 3 days. (41/350, 11.7% mutation rate)
Before this secret formula, I was only able to produce >1%......
whole last year, I was only able to produce 56 mutations.
I wll keep this data and very soon, I hope can introduce this formula to all....
I've read some comment by OSI while back, and said mutation percentage is roughly 3%.
Seems my formula is working. I will keep data and hopeful to reveal this very soon. (I am working on totaling 600 plants, 100 per day)