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[Price Check] Multiple Old Rares / Holiday Gifts



A little background - I've had my account since 1997 but pretty much quit playing in early 2001. I've reopened the account two or three times in the last ten years, most recently last week. I am planning on sticking around for a while this time, so in an effort to do some of my own Late Summer Cleaning, I took inventory of all the old stuff I've got that I don't need or want anymore (with one notable exception). I've done some poking around and can't seem to find a good, up-to-date resource to give me a ballpark value of stuff. I hoped you fine people might willing to educate me a little after my long absence.

So I'm curious how much this stuff is worth, and I'd be quite grateful for a little guidance on how best I can sell it. If anyone here sees anything they're interested in I'm sure we can work something out.

"Dying Tub" (True black, not blessed, not for sale, just interested in how much it's worth these days)

Willing to sell everything below:

  • Green Cake - "Happy Birthday! Thank you for celebrating 5 years of glorious adventure with Ultima Online"
  • Tan Cake - "Happy Birthday! Thank you for celebrating 5 years of glorious adventure with Ultima Online"
  • Scroll - "This is half a prize ticket! Find and target another ticket. This ticket will only work for you so... (text is cut off)." (Blessed)
  • Scroll - "This is A Prize ticket! It Will Only Work for YOU, so don't give it away." (Blessed)
  • "A Holiday Timepiece" (Blessed, gold in color)
  • "A Holidy Bell from FierY ICe" (Blessed, lavenderish in color)

Blue "Gift Box" with -
  • "Snowflake" (Blessed)
  • "Snowman" (Blessed, subtitled "Seraph the Snowman"
  • "Poinsettia" (Blessed)
  • "Holiday Wreath Deed" (Blessed)

Blue "Gift Box" with -
  • "Snowflake" (Blessed)
  • "Snowman" (Blessed, subtitled "Rend the Snowman"
  • "Poinsettia" (Blessed)
  • "Holiday Wreath Deed" (Blessed)

"Green Stocking" (toe pointing left, 10 items) with -
  • Recipe Scroll for Gingerbread cookies (Blessed)
  • "A Pile of Snow" (Blessed)
  • "A 2006 Holiday Card from Supreem, to Slade" (Blessed)
  • "Red Candy Cane" (Blessed)
  • "Red Candy Cane" (Blessed)
  • "Red Candy Cane" (Blessed)
  • "Green Candy Cane" (Blessed)
  • "A Gingerbread House Deed" (Blessed)
  • "Gingerbread Cookie" (Blessed)
  • "Gingerbread Cookie" (Blessed)

"Green Stocking" (toe pointing left, 11 items) with -
  • Recipe Scroll for Gingerbread cookies (Blessed)
  • "A Gingerbread House Deed" (Blessed)
  • "A Pile of Snow" (Blessed)
  • "A 2006 Holiday Card from Kent, to Edric Storm" (Blessed)
  • "Gingerbread Cookie" (Blessed)
  • "Gingerbread Cookie" (Blessed)
  • "Gingerbread Cookie" (Blessed)
  • "Red Candy Cane" (Blessed)
  • "Red Candy Cane" (Blessed)
  • "Green Candy Cane" (Blessed)
  • "Green Candy Cane" (Blessed)

"Red Stocking" (toe pointing right) with -
  • Recipe Scroll for Gingerbread cookies (Blessed)
  • "A Gingerbread House Deed" (Blessed)
  • "A Pile of Snow" (Blessed)
  • "A 2006 Holiday Card from TheGrimmOmen, to Fessran" (Blessed)
  • "Gingerbread Cookie" (Blessed)
  • "Gingerbread Cookie" (Blessed)
  • "Gingerbread Cookie" (Blessed)
  • "Red Candy Cane" (Blessed)
  • "Red Candy Cane" (Blessed)
  • "Red Candy Cane" (Blessed)
  • "Green Candy Cane" (Blessed)
  • "Green Candy Cane" (Blessed)

"Red Stocking" (toe pointing left) with -
  • "A Gingerbread House Deed" (Blessed)

Other random stuff:
  • "Yellow Seed"
  • "Yellow Seed"
  • "Red Seed"
  • "Plain Seed"
  • "Blue Seed"
  • Regular fishing nets (various colors)
  • "A Fabled Fishing Net"
  • Treasure maps (different levels)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Clean up Brittania is coming up and alot of the items you posted will buy you alot of points. If you want to see what items you can buy with the points check the test center. Most impressive items that will be available is the item bless deed for 50k points. Looking at your list you would be able to get a good amount of points.

As far as actuall gold worth on the items. I have no idea. :D