Just wanted to let people out there know, who dont already that i also broker! Just incase your favorite brokers are not on and you need to do a SAFE and SECURE trade. My name in UO is Mr Nice and i play the atlantic server i dislike scammers and those who steal. If i am on i will never mind transfering items safely for you guys! I will do other shards but i understand most of you dont know me outside of atlantic. I would ask that IF you ever need me to broker a trade you confirm who i am with eather my icq or email me at [email protected], as i check it often.
Thank You, and SAFE hunting!
Mr Nice, ATLC - "We ARE Atlantic"
P.S - this service is FREE.
Thank You, and SAFE hunting!
Mr Nice, ATLC - "We ARE Atlantic"
P.S - this service is FREE.