ALOT of stuff about today's Archers is overpowered. Consider this, a Archer with the same STR/Anat/Tact/Dam Inc will do more damage with a Heavy X-Bow than a Swordsman who has invested 100.0 Skillpoints into LJ can do with a Ornate Axe (The hardest hitting Swordsman Wep). A X-Bow has lower Minimum Damage than Ornate Axe, but higher Max Damage .
Archers can fire on the run from range with Moving Shot, which barely consumes any Mana and the negative to HCI while doing it doesn't seem to function.
Runic Crafted Bows can have the "Balanced" property, which allows the Archer to drink a pot with the 2 handed bow equipped. No other Wep Skill has "Balanced" Property.
Runic Crafted Bows can not only have a Hit Effect like Lightning, but can have a effect unique to bows called "Velocity". The farther the Archer is from there victim the more damage Velocity does. Velocity can stack along with another Hit Effect as well. I've seen a Yumi with both High % Lightning and High % Velocity and 30% SSI/40% Dam Inc. A Double Shot with that Yumi would be almost insta death.
With the Double Shot feature of the Yumi, there are no 2 seperate "Attack Rolls". If the first arrow hits, the second arrow is guaranteed to hit. A high Dam Inc Yumi is lethal with Double Shot.
The Armor Pierce ability of the Yumi is different from an Armor Ignore because it consider's your' opponents Resists at half instead of negated. Thing is, there is no Cap on how much damage a Armor Pierce can do, so a Armor Pierce with a high Dam Inc Yumi/High Skill Archer can EASILY do alot more damage than an AI.
Archer's are capable of having 40% SSI or 60% Dam Inc on a Runic Crafted Bow if Ash or Yew is used. Only other Weps that can have that are Q-Staffs, Bokutos, Gnarled Staffs, Wildstaffs and Clubs, which are already fast, so the extra SSI does no good on most of them (Only one of those weps that would recieve much of a benefit from SSI is the Gnarled Staff). 40% SSI on a Heavy X-Bow is insane however, it allows a High DEX/Stam Archer (Which is most of them) to fire off 40+ damage shots very quickly.