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[Discussion] Moveable Anvil, seeking information.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Few months back I did some older IDOCs that belonged to some old friends who had long since stopped playing (They stopped playing like 12 years ago, however had ~14 years of gametime applied to their accounts after they inherited some IRL shinies) Anyways, one of the things that I had acquired from one of their places was an Anvil that was moveable and weighed only 1 stone.

This item will work as an anvil if placed on the ground, however not within the backpack. I am looking for any information possible regarding such an item, if anyone has experience with such items and whatnot.
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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They were created via a bug back in the day. It was (still is?) a ban-able offense to own them.


Babbling Loonie
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Use to be highly bannable 12-15 years ago. Now I don't think they even care. You can smelt with the fire beetles ect now. Who mines these days anyways lol


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Yeah I was thinking perhaps that the practicality in which their use once served is kind of void these days. It'd require a forge to be useful and still you would have to drop them on the ground to use them :X

I'll shoot mesanna an email and see if I can get some official info on their end as to it's legality these days.


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Just about 3 years ago, a friend of mine received a 48 hour suspension for having and using a portable forge piece. The GM deleted it also once he was sent to jail.

*shrugs* That's all I know about those items.


Stratics Veteran
Use to be highly bannable 12-15 years ago. Now I don't think they even care. You can smelt with the fire beetles ect now. Who mines these days anyways lol

These are still insta perma bannable as of 2 yrs ago. Buddy showed a portable forge to the wrong person and a short time later a gm pulled him into jail and told him it was a bannable offense. He figured he would get a 24 hr or 72 hr ban but it ended up being a perma ban. Needless to say he was not a happy camper when he got the email the next day.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Well then, I suppose that answers my questions for the most part :>

I've emailed Mesanna and will post her official reply here when it comes in. If she deems it still illegal, I'll let her take care of deleting it!

Evil items of blacksmithy!


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Yeah I was thinking perhaps that the practicality in which their use once served is kind of void these days. It'd require a forge to be useful and still you would have to drop them on the ground to use them :X
There are are portable forges, from the same exploits and just as illegal. :p

As for usefulness... I'm thinking something like a sampire who can live in the gauntlet for weeks without ever having to leave for repairs...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
There are are portable forges, from the same exploits and just as illegal. :p

As for usefulness... I'm thinking something like a sampire who can live in the gauntlet for weeks without ever having to leave for repairs...
I think something like this would still require blacksmithy. So prolly with a smith down there, not a bad point though.

Blood Ghoul

Stratics Veteran
Just letting everyone know, this item is still illegal. I will be happy to delete them just like I deleted this one. Thank you for reporting it. A GM will not take any actions if you ask them to delete them but, if they find it on you they will.

Happy Holidays!
No offense but thats a bit wacky.. Most players would not even think to research the topic and if they found one in an IDOC they could be perma-banned??

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
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No offense but thats a bit wacky.. Most players would not even think to research the topic and if they found one in an IDOC they could be perma-banned??
I would think it would have to depend on the situation. If they explained to the GM they obtained it from an idoc and the owner had NO idea it was deemed illegal, then the GM would probably just delete it and then move on. However, if someone is caught trying to hide the said item, then that would probably be in the grounds of taking action. I guess it all depends on the GM and how they do things.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I think thats good to be consistent. Lets say they allow them now because of no added benefit really, all the people that had em deleted or were banned would want the situation re addressed.


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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I think thats good to be consistent. Lets say they allow them now because of no added benefit really, all the people that had em deleted or were banned would want the situation re addressed.
Policies have changed before. I can recall when movable ballot boxes - and even black dye tubs (non vet) - were illegal and delete on sight.