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Most delayed rage reaction ever to being pk'd!

  • Thread starter Mattitracks
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Note: I'm tired, so forgive me if you old timers don't get a kick out of this. I find it humorous though.

So I log in an account that's been inactive for over a decade because of the return to brit promotion going on now. (Just happened to remember password) So I click on LS as it was one of the shards I played back then and to my shock my char comes too in front of Silks tavern dead. Somehow I can remember exactly what happened too. Therefore I'd like to say... Damn you Bubba and your IB goonies too! You're lucky I wasn't on my main!

(Ok, I know most folks here will have no idea what I'm talking about, but Im sure theres one or two of you who will fondly remember those guys. In fact the act was committed not just by IB but also by a few guys from the imperium (or whatever their name was) because my char had plate armor on. One of em if my memory serves correct later became a dev team member! God damn anti social 12yr olds...)

I think the whole reason I was shocked about this though was because I didn't think there was anyway in hell that char (among a few others) would still be around. I thought for sure he'd be deleted by now. I guess it's because when I said the accounts been inactive for over a decade, I should have said that most of the chars have been inactive. I did use it for a bit after we were limited to 5 grandfathered homes per-shard to hold onto what was then a massive horde of small houses.

Anyways. Memories, right?


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
*chuckles* I enjoyed your story.

daddy savage

lol, nice story. i have been trying to remember the pass to my old account but have so far been unsuccessful. oh well. i dont think i even remember the account name, and i have since changed emails so its probably hopeless. woe is me. :pancakes: yum, pancakes!!