The House of Commons was an event hosted on mo's irc, were players could ask about the development of the game. I think is a good readaing to make an idea about how is the game, and what will come. I copy for you the log posted here
Anubis> <[PURE]Amril> will melee weapons get sliders like bows so we can select differing amounts of materials for each handle/head?
Henrik>Not really, you first create your handle, and then your head, and put them togheter. You create each part seperately chosing a material for each part.
Henrik>What we lack today is the part when you can take it apart, and repair them. Which will come later.
Henrik>As you may know crafting is Mats main area, and he have some more plans for crafting a bit further, which will come after we got all our main crafting areas in the game, such as butchery, alchemy etc..
Anubis>[Drakes]Tizio: Monday territory control is coming. How will it work?
Henrik>We will start out pretty basic, Myrland is devided in "countries" 8 of them at the moment.
Henrik>In these regions there will be at least 2 keeps to controll
Henrik>when in controll we will initate a land ruler by a voting system, you can vote via your house menu, or in a major city via a voting npc
Henrik>a house vote gives 2 votes, a npc vote gives 1 vote
Henrik>To be able to be voted on you need to have a guild and own a keep
Henrik>The vote period will last for 7 days, hmm or 5 days. think it was 7 then the guild with most votes gets to controll that land/region
Henrik>The guild leader will then get the option to turn of voting on that land again, and it may only be taken by force at that point.
Henrik>Or keep voting open for a new voting period.
Henrik>When in control over an area, you are able to set taxes in that area, you will eventually be able to set a tax per race
Henrik>There is at the moment a tax rate on 0-200% added on the default upkeep on houses and keeps
<@Henrik> To take controll over a current controlled area you have to declear war on the current controller
<@Henrik> All guilds have 1 forces declearation slot
<@Henrik> To be able to take the controll over that land you need to have a keep in that land, and either destroy the current owners keep, or make them surrender which gives the control over.
<@Henrik> We also add siege weapons which is the key to really do some damage to houses and keeps
<@Henrik> houses will only be able to construct the low end siege machine, which is the hail caster
<@Henrik> The hail caster can be used on both players/beasts and buildings, its not the best way to take down a keep
<@Henrik> Catapults and trebuchets will be constructed within a keep siege construction module
<@Henrik> with this you load heavy rocks to do real damage vs buildings
<@Henrik> at first you have to get a blue pring within a siege module, then you have to pick a location to start the construction, and then build it
<@Henrik> then you have to learn how to use it, as in put ammo in it, aim load and shoot
<@Henrik> as you can see theres lots of info going in this system and I could go on for quite some time
<@Henrik> but I guess I will leave this open for new questions
<@Henrik> on whats interesting for you.
<@Anubis> Please send the questions to [QT]Magree of [QT]Mifun or they might not get answered
<@Anubis> <ShareHolder01> Do you think you could add a weekend shift to your support staff? I notice that support tickets are never answered on the weekends. Do you think you could add more GM's to unstick people as well as to ban gold farmers advertising there websites in game. (These guys should be banned in 5 minutes or less! Why do I have to listen to there yelling in Meduli for over an hour?!?)
<@Henrik> Right, we have now support staff on weekends as well, please be patient, we are still expanding our GM/support system, as in sometime our ticket guys have to verify with other ppl
<@Henrik> For isntance check with our payment system guys, or with GM guys.
<@Henrik> We also had some issues with people now since its vecation, but it is now solved and should reply quicker than before.
<@Anubis> [Myrm]ThaBadMan> Ok here we go, When will we see epic mobs like the dragon and the fire golem in game?
<@Henrik> This Monday we will add an important system, which is one req for our epic mobs, You will see a boss added on monday which should be somewhat interesting
<@Henrik> As you may know already we do have some issues with our AI/Navmesh system which makes our creatures blind in the world, however they are very complexed
<@Henrik> But without eyes they act dumb
<@Henrik> and also able to hit you invis and not keep track on what level they are on in caves for instance, you have surely experienced this in a way or another
<@Henrik> Epic Games China is working on this important system, which is the key for our AI to work as intended
<@Henrik> As you can understand thats also a key to be able to let our Epics to be AI controlled, and not only Dev controlled.
<@Henrik> However you will soon see *something* in the world, to start getting an idea on what epics could be about
<@Henrik> and like I said, the monday patch will give you something interesting to counter, which we also test some epic cases. so there should be some interesting pve event
<@Henrik> that is built in mind with our current AI system
<@Anubis> Mojoz: Hey. We've all heard about the "epic" epic patch that is supposed to be coming soon, and all the features that people want to come with it. Will we be seeing improvements immediately after the patch is applied, or will it take time (for example two weeks after the patch) to see UO style inventory , high res textures etc?
<@Henrik> ok, so what you will experience, or should from day one is, a proper AI navigation and reaction, improved performance overall with shadows enabled, some eye candy effects, and possible an upgrade on our trees/vegitation
<@Henrik> Hopefully shortly after, we will be able to patch flash content, as ex. UO inventory and lots of other things such as board games, flashy magic schools etc. not as in flashy colors that much but functions.
<@Henrik> so, you will notice some changes instantly with that patch, but I would also prepare for some new bugs along with that, even thou epic grants them for beign properly tested they still have bugs when you play with it
<@Henrik> With that update we will also increase server population cap with an insane amount, not that its a problem atm but for future system/patches content, we can still be connected to the same server.
<@Henrik> So it indeeds open up for new areas and imrpoves the overall level of our server, stability wise as well
<@Anubis> <BasilT> Creature control and taming. Is there going to be more than one animal at a time?? Anything we can know about the future or development of taming?
<@Henrik> Taming and creature control is somewhat tied with our AI/Navmesh limits which I described before.
<@Henrik> That means we try to get the core working properly before adding features such more pet controll points, which means even more glitches with our current AI system
<@Henrik> as in today you are aware of some of the issues our pets do with our current AI. add in another pet to that and you understand it gives more issues to the game at this point
<@Henrik> So we think it could be best to first get the proper AI codes from epic before we add more player pets. We have a pet meeting next week actually when we will see if we really need to wait for the update or add another controll point thou. So more on that later.
<@Anubis> Norelion: When will the Armor-System be revamped so we can get social-clothing and more armor-meshes?
<@Henrik> I can tell you that we seem to solve our texture merge issue we have had since day one.
<@Henrik> This means, we will almost have an infinite amount of armor parts to be added into the game, we are mass producing armor concepts atm.
<@Henrik> Another major thing is, we will solve the texture memory issue we have at the moment
<@Henrik> which means if not all client crashes related to texture memory crashes will be solved more or less.
<@Henrik> And that we can start adding lots of new things such as social clothing etc.
<@Henrik> Our goal is to patch this system on 23th of 30th of August.
<@Henrik> I will shortly update under dev section with the following 3 patches and its key features/fixes.
@Anubis> <[FOR]Thaeric> Any word on 'enriching' Nave? Can we expect to see roads, fountains, fire pits, etc in player towns soon? How about rocks in valleys surrounded by mountains that have none?
<@Henrik> Yes, along with the new update that gives more performance which means more room for content, and the texture issue solved we can add more probs and stuff in the world.
<@Anubis> [NAG]Aunora: When will the crafters get more love in the form of UI and inventory management? for example currently taking about 100 clicks to make an armor set is getting tiresome, recipes would take 10 slots per type of armor.
<@Henrik> Indeed, we will soon work on making that a bit smoother, also tie armor parts togheter so its one drag and drop on loot or on your body, for isntance you can tie gloves as a set so its 1 item insterad of 2.
<@Henrik> We are going through the next 3 patches as I said before, and will reveal what gets in them shortly so you can get an idea on whats coming next.
<@Anubis> <Wing_Ching> will we see a test server soon? to help test and have patches "fixed" when they release
<@Henrik> This is of course something we would like to have since day one, there are few problems with it however.
<@Henrik> Even eve online with its 350k+ player base they sometime have problems getting enough testers on their live teste server
<@Henrik> spec when it aint super interesting to try out.
<@Henrik> we have a smaller player base which means even less testers would join it
<@Henrik> thats one reason, and some cases could mean we would probably not get more than our 25 ppl inhouse.. 10 more doesnt help that much
<@Henrik> and the other thing is the cost for it, its a huge project to set one up and cost both hardware and licensing etc. and to support it, everything takes time and resources which we have little of atm.
<@Henrik> So, whenever we are able to we will start one for sure, we will do what we can, and we may start a small server sooner than expecter if possible to see how it could work.
<@Henrik> Testing 30 people is one thing letting in a couple of hundreds or thousand players is another thing, and the difference really happens around the later numbers to have an efficient testing enviroment
<@Anubis> <Inanna> Will there be a form of heraldry in the game, surch as banners or tabard with guild colors and guild emblems
<@Henrik> Yes, we disabled our banners and tabards in our patch last Monday, as you can see they were planend to go live then, but with some issues left we disabled them
<@Henrik> We now have our banners fixed, and shortly tabards
<@Henrik> some of them may come in this next patch
<@Henrik> you will have some diff styles to chose from color and logos, and eventually we plan to let you upload your own logo for your guild.
<@Anubis> [RUS]Golozhopenko: Here is my question: Currently there is no storage or utility vendor inside keeps, this prevents some good trade/visitors from comming to keeps, will you be adding storage and/or utility vendors soon to keeps?
<@Henrik> We have not yet decided what to add to our keeps other then the things it gets on Monday, we have a list of things and you have also suggested a few interesting things that would be interesting to add to a keep
<@Henrik> We will however start out with more storage, 4 different chests, and the siege module construction for keeps only, which then will be atractive for players looking for some good siege weapons
<@Henrik> as only keeps can construct them all.
<@Anubis> <[DC]Goran> When will fishing and boating be implemented?
<@Henrik> Fishing will be implemented within this new batch we will post on the under dev section shortly
<@Henrik> as in around 2-3 weeks from now.
<@Henrik> more confirmed on this comes under that section soon.
<@Henrik> boating is somewhat later, Im not sure when yet, you are able to effect when depending on what you would like to see first, we will probably supply a list of things, and let the community say what they want first.
<@Anubis> AlfaBravo: The Khurite villages will actually move? Cause Moring Khur is supposed to be the only permanent setlement.
<@Henrik> Im not sure actually, something I have to discuss with Mats
<@Anubis> <Huggmuth> Have you considered adding small buildable tents/huts for "solo" players?
<@Henrik> not really, but if its something the masses screams for, then we may look into that as well, its not to hard for us to add new structures now, but like I said before we want textures to be solved first.
<@Henrik> oh and did I meantion the third thing for the texture system we solved, high res textures is also possible with this system.
<@Anubis> <Raydric> Lot of the upcoming updates are focussed around PvP. What will be done to improve the PvE part of the game aswell, for example rare drops / spawns that will be worth hunting besides making money.
<@Henrik> Same answer like before, we need proper AI code to be able to really add major things for PVE, what we will do however is add some bits before that happens, with destructable spawners and our monday patch we are able to add some more PVE related stuff
<@Henrik> Monday patch should show some intresting pve if that works well, we will be able to add similar things shortly after.
<@Henrik> and then along with the epic update we can finaly start adding some major stuff.
<@Anubis> Vukurutu: I would like to know more about the future of Thievery, will it get a rebalance ? more features to make it fun ?
<@Henrik> Yes it will get balance changes, and we will add features such as disguise kits and other moves for a thief to do. And we will try hard to make it work somewhat ballanced in our world without scaring away to many new players
<@Anubis> Deddarus: my question: will we see hazards in etherworld and if so what form will they take?
<@Henrik> You will soon see stuff in the etherworld, thats pretty much all I can say at this point, we have allways had a cool thing here that should shock a few of you guys, hopefully, Im not sure when we are able to add them yet.
<@Henrik> There are major plans for the etherworld, as in some magic school is tied to this world and you will be able to do more things than simply walk in the etherworld
<@Henrik> There are lore and things to gather from the etherworld, things that will affect the living world.
<@Anubis> [SS]Raific: Mounted combat seemed like it got a severe nerf in the last patch. It's unreliable at best and horses seem to be only good for transport now. Will this be re-evaluated and adjusted for those of us who use to enjoy mounted combat?
<@Henrik> hmm not sure how you mean by severe nerfed, speed was slightly lowered and will depend on armor and weight, a saddle was added to better control and a minor speed boost.
<@Henrik> What we added was a strategic move for unmounted players to be able to counter a player charign into you, with the use of a spear stance, what will be added to our mounts is
<@Henrik> diff type of armor, some are good for charging into stuff some are not. there will be lances to use on mount as well, which makes it important to aim your hit with the lance
<@Henrik> this have allways been part of our org design, its simply that its coming now, when we slowly getting to those areas
<@Henrik> mounts are in my eyes still a viable way of fighting, its just that we now add more areas to fight and counter from and against mounted players.
<@Henrik> light horses without armor is not suposed to knock everything down
<@Henrik> if you want to do that, you have to get your self an heavy mount and add some protection on it, and learn how to knock them down, as long as a player is counter the knock down
<@Henrik> with player skills, there is a way he can avoid it
<@Maerlyn> ShareHolder01: Will we ever be able to use gold to buy books or to pay house taxes or will we always have to use silver to pay for these?
<@Henrik> for now we will stick with that yes, later on we will see if we really would need to change that.
<@Maerlyn> [SS]Scynx_work: Is the completion of the City of Tindrem in the near future? Is it being worked on? What needs to happen before you open Tindrem's gates?
<@Henrik> The core of Tindrem is ready, we have worked on tindrem over a year, we got a problem with it a few times when it comes to performance
<@Henrik> its very large and needs proper planning for performance to work
<@Henrik> we also want Tindrem to be a large area to adventure in not only visit like any other city
<@Henrik> at a few times we almost decided to ok, now lets release tindrem, but thought that you would probably thing it looks cool and so, but its just another diff looking city than our current
<@Henrik> So we hold it back to make sure its both good looking good performance, and to hold a few diff features
<@Henrik> Our vision is to give you a living city, the image you already may have in your own head
<@Henrik> We dont want to dissapoint that image
<@Henrik> the small taste you got from our town life video is a must as well we think
<@Henrik> thats why we keept it close for now and it will probably stay closed for some time, because you know the AI must work better to enable living AI in the city
<@Henrik> we have dungeons and systems under the entire tindrem making it twice the size as well
<@Henrik> one part is unguarded and criminel, so it should cater for many play styles and interesting moments
<@Henrik> So you see we have added lots of things to Tindrem, and those things do take some time.
<@Maerlyn> Huckbuck: Can you go through the ideas for soon to come combat abilities?
<@Henrik> We finished the system for any special move we may come up with in our last patch, we only added the spear stance because we want to make sure it didnt get out of control, and we are interested to hear feedback on this
<@Henrik> We noticed its easy to confuse what someone means with a special move
<@Henrik> people was scared to see final fantasy moves in our game when we tried to talk about this
<@Henrik> We are still aiming for realistic moves which you could have done in rl, somewhat at least
<@Henrik> our goal is to add strategic moves that you dont want to spam, a move that you could do in the right moment
<@Henrik> spear stance is one good example of such move
<@Henrik> we dotn want to add a spam attack which simply adds % damage
<@Henrik> but interesting moves to change the expected battle
<@Henrik> again we are interesting to hear suggestions to get ideas as long as it fit the core vision of MO
<@Maerlyn> [Myrm]Angarato: when will we see the special moves for the other weapons? and what are they gonna be like?
<@Henrik> as you know our damage type, different weapon types have their own strenght in the diff damage types
<@Henrik> we want to use this somewhat do add to a special move if its possible
<@Henrik> as in a blunt weapon, morning star is a great weapon to wreck armor pieces
<@Henrik> you could use a weapon to swing in a wider area, that way hitting more than 1 player, but to be careful not to hit your friends as well
<@Henrik> you could have right timings when you move to add a special attack as well
<@Henrik> a move to aim on a special body part, which then gives an effect of its own
<@Henrik> as in slowing someone down, making his vision get changes, loosing bloods etc.
<@Maerlyn> [HYBRID]Gromduraz: Are there any immediate plans about expanding myrland, or adding an entirely new continent?
<@Henrik> Not immediate, like you can see, we still lack a few dungeons, areas to be finilized, Tindrem to open, after that, or if we suddenly get out of space sooner than expected we will start opening the next continent.
<@Henrik> Myrland is the "blue print" for our next continent, as in next continent will be more efficient and be made a lot faster, there was lots of areas to be leanered and tweaked in Myrland.
<@Henrik> As you know one large continent without any loading at all, no instances. we got it to work, but needs to tweak a few areas and add stuff as long as our system lets us to, as in the texture merge fix I talked about earlier.
<@Maerlyn> Ritual: What happened to the religion system?
<@Henrik> It got somewhat on pause, we simply wanted to add to many of our interesting systems, we have a few features in testing, somewhat done, and some are more half done/designed.
<@Henrik> dependign on feedback, which we allways try to, gather info from the community what are they interested in, if a to small group of players are interested in a feature we should simply put that down in our prio list
<@Henrik> but we still personally think its a cool feature so its not that we are ignoring that one, cause Im pretty confident that when you get to see the details about it, it will raise in the communities eyes.
<@Henrik> but for it to work better, we should nail our current core features a bit more.
<@Maerlyn> Nightburn: Question regarding the flag system: Would you consider making people that attack reds from your guild local allowed to the whole guild?
<@Henrik> We could consider that yes.
<@Maerlyn> [OUTS]Erinian: For Slag Haulers Extraction System will be improved? Because now we have to split 1 by 1 and re-stack 1 by 1 and it is painfull.. So is it not better to have a system that you configure your quantity and let it works while you have the material and catalyst on your bag?
<@Henrik> I know some things there is a bit of a hussle.. We will try to improve those areas, again its a matter of a priotize, there are so many areas people wanto us to work on, it aint easy for us to pick the areas as we are still a small team
<@Maerlyn> [PURE]Amril: When will we get the other styles of houses? like the meduli ones we got when housing was first implemented. Also, any word on when we get free form housing (no house spots), and what about tindrem?
<@Henrik> we had a texture problem when following our org plan which was add 1 house style per each race
<@Henrik> so we had to quickly change it to continent stylish instead
<@Henrik> we may, but only maybe be able to add diff styles or even race style houses again after our texture merge update, we are not sure yet
<@Henrik> nwo when we solve the texture problem we should not fill it with a new problem that causes the same issue, client crashes in most cases.
<@Henrik> we are able to add a couple of more styles that is for sure, but we still dont know how much room we have after our texture update, we will see later
<@Henrik> different meshes is not a problem, but textures as in styles are worse
<@Maerlyn> [TT]Aphilas: Will special items for mages like lets say a staff for 2-3 gold from vendor be implemeted as requirements to be able to cast any spell? Atm there is an issue of naked mages runing to "fight" with just reagents for 5-10 spells meaning they don't risk anything which leads to a lot of griefing.
<@Henrik> what you describe sounds like our staff magic school.
<@Henrik> a mage will allways rely on something useful/important/value to be able to cast a spell. In probably all schools I think..
<@Maerlyn> and the last question for this HoC:
<@Maerlyn> [Aegis]Lochlin: are there any plans for making each 'country' have unique properties, resources, perks making them worth fighting for or setting up trade between, etc?
<@Henrik> yes, we will add more and new resources, and we could call them perks yes, for each country that you are able to control and able to try to control that trade or set up trade routes etc
<@Henrik> Thanks everyone for the qeustions, allways fun to get a few new questions, even thou I thought it was impossible after these years
<@Maerlyn> Ok ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the firt MO HoC. Thank you all for attending and for your questions.