Pre patch wyrm: 100mil no training started
eats meat and gold/3 slots/ 455hp 125stam 395 mana 728str 125dex 395int
resists 57/21/87/50/50
100wrestling/med/focus 90magery/95eval/90resist/99tactics/91anat/80pary/63detect
Dread mare : 350mil no training started
3 slots
618hp/125stam/142mana 525str/125dex/142int
resists 65/34/30/56/42
100 wrestle/tact/med/focus 86resist 97anat 52detect 78magery 96 eval
PM me
looking for 1/3 hci dci ep + skill pts ring/bracelet
also looking for a ring bracelet fc1 hci/dci ep skill pts
will work in trades if you got anything I can use thanks
eats meat and gold/3 slots/ 455hp 125stam 395 mana 728str 125dex 395int
resists 57/21/87/50/50
100wrestling/med/focus 90magery/95eval/90resist/99tactics/91anat/80pary/63detect
Dread mare : 350mil no training started
3 slots
618hp/125stam/142mana 525str/125dex/142int
resists 65/34/30/56/42
100 wrestle/tact/med/focus 86resist 97anat 52detect 78magery 96 eval
PM me
looking for 1/3 hci dci ep + skill pts ring/bracelet
also looking for a ring bracelet fc1 hci/dci ep skill pts
will work in trades if you got anything I can use thanks