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(RP) Moonglow's Magical Malfunction

Halister Marner

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Screenshot 2024-09-07 184434.png

Hear ye! Hear ye!

The Town Cryer has an exclusive report on the situation in Moonglow. An anonymous scribe has informed the Cryer that Governor Halister Marner and his peers from the Royal Council ventured into the great void, returning with an item our anonymous source called "Nystul's Orb".

Governor Halister Marner placed this item atop the strange structure constructed behind the Lycaeum. Efforts to approach the structure by our news team were unsuccessful, turned away by an exceptionally large force of Crux Ansata knights.

Our anonymous source believes Nystul's Orb is responsible for the deep unease felt throughout the island. Spells are failing, mages are frustrated, and scores of magically cloaked buildings marked with the Council of Mages insignia have appeared throughout Verity.

We interviewed one particularly frustrated mage, who had this to say:

"I've been casting create food for a good hour now, and every time I cast it, I keep getting green sausages! They taste like mint! Who wants mint sausages? This is madness!"

In response to our queries, Governor Halister Marner's office has released the following statement:

"While the harsh effects are being felt by the population, please know that the anti-magic field is a temporary necessity to suppress the cloaking magics of the Council of Mages. Upon their extermination from Verity, the Amplifier will be dismantled and magic will return to normal. Governor Halister Marner appreciates your continued patience during these trying times."
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