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Moonglow event: Bring Blackrock?



Instructions for this weekend's event says:

Event occurs over two days

Day One: Do not be concerned if you show up and it all goes up in smoke. Just being there sets the stage for your interactions in Day Two.

Bring blackrock

Don’t kick Kronos when he’s down

Day Two: The experiment is unleashed in full form.

Bring blackrock

Be prepared to be trapped for a little while

Be prepared to fight

Be prepared to choose your loyalties

Collectable items that “seem” to have only decorative purpose will have a turn-in, along with the Ophidian items, in Publish 52.

More information, including times for the event on each shard, will be announced tomorrow. Stay tuned!

[/ QUOTE ]

I won't be attending the event, since I'm only a helpless crafter, but I have got a few small pieces of blackrock that I'm willing to part with to people that do want to take part.


Ok this is a Noobie question what is the event? More than likly I'll b there just to see the event. Seeing as I missed out on the destruction of Magincia last time.I'm still kicking myself it would've been fun to see. Anyways have a Good day.

Patty Pickaxe

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Collectable items that “seem” to have only decorative purpose will have a turn-in, along with the Ophidian items, in Publish 52.

[/ QUOTE ]

This makes me happy! I can finally get rid of them!!


This is just a guess, but I think tonight's event is going to be the activation of the detector. To do this, Kronos will ask for Blackrock to be donated and dropped in that kettle with the acid by the Machine. When enough gets dropped in, the machine will turn on but things will not go quite as planned.
The result will be a big hole in the ground.

The "MAIN EVENT" will be Tomorrow night and the event will be "enhanced" in some way for those who had Blackrock tonight and brings more tomorrow.

This is just a guess based on what has been posted in the event description.


He came, it made noise and did some fancy graphics, then he said "whoop, come back tomorrow folks"

Lasted all of 2 minutes.

Monster come tomorrow I assume.

Trolls T Hunter

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
but apparently you needed to be there tonight with blackrock to get the full effect tommarow. I'm not sure exactly what that means but sounds like I missed out.


Inu the crone showed up and walked through. She is spewing mad gibberesh at Moonglow back now


I went to the event but i didn't have any black rock till after it was over . Will that matter for me tomorrow? And what time will it start tomorrow 3/29 ? All's he said was come back tomorrow . Ty for any info .

Sir Ha-ward

Ive still got like 5 pieces of the original blackrock on siege, wonder if thatll do anything