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Moongate Shattered!

Sonoma EM Feed

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Stratics Veteran
Several weeks had passed now since the battle at Ver Lor Reg where Exodus had been defeated. While the mechanical beast was no more, things were not right yet. Shortly after Exodus was defeated, Dupre gathered his troops by the Homor moongate to celebrate and return home, only to experience a shockwave of dark energy that shattered the moongate, making it inoperable. Ever since that time, strange things have been happening near the moongate. People have spotted Horrific creatures, images of people and places from other worlds, possible problems at the other moongates of Ilshenar.
Dupre looked over reports from Ilshenar, trying to figure out a plan to deal with the corrupted moongate. A knock was heard on the door to his study and he looked up to see a rather eccentric looking author of a man standing in his doorway. “Lord Dupre, you have summoned me? I am Dryus Doost, I am a bit of an expert on moongate travel. Dupre nodded and motioned for a chair. “Please, have a seat Mr. Doost and let us discuss the subject at hand, the honor moongate in Ilshenar.”
Dryus took a seat and placed a journal on the table. “I have been making notes myself. I think if we go and explore ourselves I can make a better determination of the situation.” Dupre nodded. “Very well, just tell me what you need and I will supply it. In the meantime, I will place a call out for any adventurers that are willing to help us.”

Event date: 7/19/2012 9PM ET-8PM CT

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