Battle time again! The sixth round of the season will be on Monday, 22 March, 8PM UK time, at the O*T Zento arena
Current points status for victories stands at :
4 : Cyanide
3 : Spike, Shadow
2 : Midnight, Frosty, BlueBlaze
1 : Lime, ThrobbingGristle, Spot, SnotKlap, Nugget, Cerulean, Lightning, Trinsic Steel, Flash, Nari
Nearing the mid point of the season (planned to end in June, time seems to have flown since we started these off!). Still time for new contenders to appear and take the title, but don't keep your potential champions hidden much longer - time is starting to run out....

Current points status for victories stands at :
4 : Cyanide
3 : Spike, Shadow
2 : Midnight, Frosty, BlueBlaze
1 : Lime, ThrobbingGristle, Spot, SnotKlap, Nugget, Cerulean, Lightning, Trinsic Steel, Flash, Nari
Nearing the mid point of the season (planned to end in June, time seems to have flown since we started these off!). Still time for new contenders to appear and take the title, but don't keep your potential champions hidden much longer - time is starting to run out....