There is room for anything, maxed out for the 5th spot. Lets say I have 47% DI (need better bracelet) 100 HLL and 100 HML and Repond slayer. So a medusa hunter. Scorpion Slayer also fits. So I could hunt both Reponds and Miasma. But wearing Mace and Shield, if I also imbue 50 more HLD on Axe, this will give a 65% chance to trigger HLD, which lasts for 8 seconds. Considering I can hit her 6 times (rounding down) in 8 seconds, there is only a ((0.35)^6)*100 % chance for the mob to NOT be under effect of HLD. Specifically there is only a 0.1838265625% chance that HLD will not happen every 8 secs, assuming I always hit. Even if I miss twice every 8 seconds, it is still only 1.5% chance to not occur.
Quick stats refresher : 65% chance to proc = 35% to not proc. So, with my sample space of 6 consecutive hits, in order for an HLD hit not to proc, that would require (0.35)*(0.35) ... *(0.35), for (0.35)^6 that is 0.001838265625. Not considering magic resistance effect if any. These numbers assume Binomial distribution.
That being said, should I go for more HLD, a specific slayer, hit fire area ? For now I will leave the spot open, and make sure I can keep stamina up just fine. I only have 35 SSI with suit and DF, so if I drop from 189 to 149 or less, I go to 1.5 swing speed. Not sure how his stam loss will work out, I ended up with Mace and Shield, 1 chainmail, 1 ringmail, 1 studded leather, 1 regular leather, and a set of woodland arms. Stop laughing
Under DF I have HCI cap, 35/45 DCI, 1.25s with Double Axe no SSI on weapon. 45/40 LMC. 73/68/67/68/68. Should do. Besides the 5th imbue spot, what are some good first bosses to try and solo ? He is not a Sampire, he is a Bushido Paladin. How important is that DCI...I could always put 10 more on the weapon, then I would be at cap.
Quick stats refresher : 65% chance to proc = 35% to not proc. So, with my sample space of 6 consecutive hits, in order for an HLD hit not to proc, that would require (0.35)*(0.35) ... *(0.35), for (0.35)^6 that is 0.001838265625. Not considering magic resistance effect if any. These numbers assume Binomial distribution.
That being said, should I go for more HLD, a specific slayer, hit fire area ? For now I will leave the spot open, and make sure I can keep stamina up just fine. I only have 35 SSI with suit and DF, so if I drop from 189 to 149 or less, I go to 1.5 swing speed. Not sure how his stam loss will work out, I ended up with Mace and Shield, 1 chainmail, 1 ringmail, 1 studded leather, 1 regular leather, and a set of woodland arms. Stop laughing
Under DF I have HCI cap, 35/45 DCI, 1.25s with Double Axe no SSI on weapon. 45/40 LMC. 73/68/67/68/68. Should do. Besides the 5th imbue spot, what are some good first bosses to try and solo ? He is not a Sampire, he is a Bushido Paladin. How important is that DCI...I could always put 10 more on the weapon, then I would be at cap.
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