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MMORPG.COM unreasonable



I have 2 accounts with mmorpg.com, and switched to my main one, then get banned for using multiple accounts, which I did not realise was an offence using multiple accounts on there, unlike SWG forums. Both have been around and using since 2007.

I send in an email to query the situation, and get no response, and then also send in a message using their web form, and they say I have to email another form, and if I send in another email to them they will delete it without response, which I found to be a bit aggressive on first contact.

All this made me angry on top of what has happened to SOE and unable to play SWG, started to send in emails as wanted to carry on posting on their forums. If this was SOE they would have resolved the situation for me sooner, and more professionally. I then started to cool off and said I'll give them 24 hours, then they replied saying that they are collatuing my emails and forwarding them to my ISP to deal. If they do not deal then would ban my IP. They never gave that a chance and then I looked at MMORPG.COM again and spotted my IP was banned then, even though I was no longer sending in emails,a nd now can not even view posts and articles, let alone post on there.

Can't they give us break, under these circumstance, and understand what thoughts are going through our minds? I am not feeling myself right now from all this, and at the end of my tether and now MMORPG.COM are playing hardball.

I thought they were quite a good site, now I don't. They don't seem to want to be reasonable at all, and solving situations, and are just aggressive and power hungry

If anyone has any higher form of contact to the MMORPG site, so I can complain about the support people then I would be grateful for it, probably best in a PM



Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Afraid I don't have any connections there, myself. Sorry about the whole SOE debacle. I know a lot of folks were affect, included many of our users/staff. Hope they're able to get it sorted quickly.



I know Badger from SWG, and he has used that site occasionally

They say SOE should be back up from Friday to the end of the month


They've replied and said not going to lift the ban on any of it now, for being impatient! I also can not send emails either, they just get blocked

If any one also feels disgusted by this also and want to send them an email on my behalf, then I would be grateful. Just use the "contact us" link at the bottom right of their site Online MMO and MMORPG Gamelist, News, Reviews and Community at MMORPG.com

I will post here again if they do lift the ban(s)

If they lift the ban, even if it is just the IP address so I can continue viewing the site then that will be enough. Spamming other in the past usually seems to be the only way to get things done, and has not failed me until now. Admitelly they seem a bit peeved, but undertsand my situation and deal. Now when it matters I get banned permamnently. If they unban me I promise I will not spam them again. If I do then they can ban me for good. I just want a second chance

If this happened last month, I would not have gotten so upset over the ban, but I did yesterday because the SOE disaster matters greatly to me.

The MMORPG.COM is the major site for keep up to date with info on the SOE fiasco, and from I threads have become wiser to the seriousness of it, and best ways to protect myself, and without having access to the site, I could end up becoming a victim of fraud because I did not do something because I never thought of it, which I could have done, by seeing soemoens post or an article.

If it is not lifted by Monday, then I will probbaly think of suing them for causing extra unnecessary grief. I don't want money from them, just the bans lifeted, espececially the IP address ban

Unless anyone knows other sites that contain decent coverage of SOEs downtime?


If anyone is able to successfully reason with the people at mmorpg.com to lift my bans and you play SWG or know people who do, then I will give you/them 15 million credits if able to lift the IP ban, and 20 million credits if able to lift the forum ban as well. Obviously when SWG is back online, I will give credits than, and offer applies to one person and may expire once SWG is back online

When you contact them give them your name (forum /in game name) so they can tell me who to thank and give the creds to

I am not a bad person, just went a bit nuts briefly (which won't happen again) from withdrawel systems of not being able to play SWG, and the worry of ID theft This is the first time anything of this nature has happened, and may not happen again. So I feel I do not deserve a ban of this calibre. It is too OTT. What are they trying to do, destroy people?

If you are on Shadowfire then will be able to give the credits all at once, but on other servers, I may have to give you 5 million credits per month, as spent most of all my credits on Starsider. If you are on a server other than Starsider then will be able to give the credits by transferring characters from Starsider, but if I can transfer a character from Shadowfire, then will will be able to give you them all at once, and if I acquire enough credits within the month then you can have them all before the 3 or 4 months.


Purple Pony Princess
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Unfortunately, neither I nor anyone else I know of has any contacts within mmorpg.com
Perhaps if you were to give it some time to settle down before approaching the matter again, you might have more luck with them.

On the subject of SOE, I think the whole issue Sony are having is the biggest story in gaming news, so the coverage of it across the internet is incredibly redundant.
The latest I've heard is that Sony are in the last stages of internal testing of the new security for PSN, although the service doesn't look like it will be up this weekend. From that you could assume that SOE will be back online at either the same time as PSN, or afterwards (considering the issues with PSN will be harming hardware sales, and the intrusions at SOE were only discovered relatively recently).
The names and partial addresses of around 2,500 people who entered a 2001 sweepstake were posted by the hackers, and subsequently taken down by the hosting company ( UPDATE 2-Sony removes data posted by hackers, delays PlayStation restart | Reuters ).
Beyond that, the only official news I know of regarding the data is here: https://www.soe.com/securityupdate/


When the SOE sites come back up, including the Officail SWG forums, then I could not care less about MMORPG.COM, which could be any day now until end of May, unless there is further info on a solid date. All info will brought into the official forums, and discussed there. Plus I have been banned permanently, so no amount of time is going to solve the issue, by the seems of it, as unable to communicate to them, as IP is banned.

To MMORPG.COM - You win, I get the point, I will not spam/harrass you again, even if forum accounts remain banned FORVER, and not just the initial 120 days. Not being able to view the site is just killing me.

This has just been one big miscommunication, and the mmorpg.com guys seem to be one big bullies, and on a power trip. I've done similar to others (including SOE) on smaller issues, and nothing came from it, they understood my reactions, calmed me down, and situation got resolved, These guys at mmorpg.com just want trouble. I thought they were like minded gamers and undertood what these problems would create for others. Guess I was wrong, and as that site seems to bash SWG a lot, and even has a forum for people to bash the NGE, and dwell on pre-NGE/CU, then it must be because they hate SWG players, which is me.

The more I deal with SOE, and then the more I deal with other people/companies, SOE gets more friendlier and helpful each time!

If I am still banned by the time SOE services are up, then I am not going to bother with MMORPG.COM again, and will not be saying anything or doing anything in favour of them, as I have been over the past 4 years, when people on SWG forums were saying bad things about them, I was defending them, but not any more.

I have spent the last few days trying to find inforamation eleswhere, but everyone seems to have vanished, except at mmorpg.com, and when I viewed mmorpg.com site at a friends house yesterday, saw more helpful information about the situation, which will help against ID theft, in 30 mins, than I have done scouring the internet for the past few days since banned from mmorpg.com, and if was not banned would have had the information sooner. Not sure when I will be able to get access to another person PC again for this.

Not being able to keep up to date with these things is worrying me to no end. Maybe there is something being said or someone post something that I never even thought of to prevent being a victim of ID theft, as there was yeterday, hopefully the actions I took was not too late. Maybe there is something else being posted now, but I can not see it.


Situation resolved aka I give up, and not going to waste any more time with that site or people involved with it.