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[Selling] Mixed loot (all items on Europa)


Stratics Veteran
All items on Europa.

Delivery to Atlantic - by agreement, conditions and delivery method are discussed with the actual buyer.

Preferred methods of communication:

ICQ: 317-993-153
Discord: -MotorheaD-
E-mail: [email protected]

1. 30mil
2. 15mil
3. 10mil
4. 15mil
5. 15mil
6. 25mil
7. 15mil
8. 10mil


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Stratics Veteran
new portion =)

1.1. 5mil
1.2. 5mil
1.3. 5mil
1.4. 5mil
1.5. 15mil
1.6. 15mil
1.7. 5mil
1.8. 10mil
1.9. 10mil
1.10. 15mil
1.11. 15mil

1.12. 20mil - sold to the Turk


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Seasoned Veteran
well its to each there own believes to me most aren't worth 5 mil each I was offering you a lil more than that but thanks once again for your counter offer but 100 mil was my top price. but seeing as I'm ridiculous ill cancel that offer as well