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Missing Ultima

Saylor Jane

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I miss playing Ultima..

But what I miss most is the friends I have made. For a time, all I ever did was play Ultima and couldn't wait to get home from work to play.

Just checking in to see how Pacific is doing. Any exciting things going on besides the drama from the usual people??

Old Macdonald

Miss Jane!

Nice to see you around again. Turn on that Q and we can chat! :thumbup1:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I miss you!!!!

Hope all is well with you. Ya know you can always log into icq and say hi, I would love to catch up with you.

Old Macdonald

Lets see how long it takes you to reply to this post Jane!
*starts a timer*

Saylor Jane

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*types as fast as she can to respond"

How did I do? :lol:

I do need to log on and say hello...

Hope you guys are doing good. I seem to keep myself pretty busy but I still have not canceled the account. Not sure exactly why but I guess because of all the good times I had. Not sure if I am ready to give it up.:sad4:

Talk to you guys soon.

Old Macdonald

*types as fast as she can to respond"

How did I do? :lol:

I do need to log on and say hello...

Hope you guys are doing good. I seem to keep myself pretty busy but I still have not canceled the account. Not sure exactly why but I guess because of all the good times I had. Not sure if I am ready to give it up.:sad4:

Talk to you guys soon.
*stops the watch* rolleyes:

Wow sooner than expected! Well met Mrs. Jane!

Glad to hear things are busy. It is the same here and then some!
Alea has me at home with the kids... "Mr.Mom" LOVE IT!
*Vaccum eats the curtains*
Would be nice to see you log into ICQ so we can chat.
I don't have the same ICQ number anymore, but im sure i can find yours, and add it to my new list!
We are very interested to hear how the family is doing!

Good to hear from you Saylor.
To Be Continued......;)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anderoth and Alea = 2 very good people, that I enjoyed hanging out with back in my UO playing days. Hope you guys are doing well.

As for UO it is nothing but a cheat filled pile of crud and I keep telling my wife that she should just do what me and the other 6 members of our family did and close her account. That way she can spend her extra time dancing naked for me. :thumbup1:

Old Macdonald

Anderoth and Alea = 2 very good people, that I enjoyed hanging out with back in my UO playing days. Hope you guys are doing well.

As for UO it is nothing but a cheat filled pile of crud and I keep telling my wife that she should just do what me and the other 6 members of our family did and close her account. That way she can spend her extra time dancing naked for me. :thumbup1:
Well met Sir!

I cannot blame you for wanting a naked dance instead of
the good ole' grind of UO.

Now you have me wanting to quit.....

How about you guys play UO for part of the time and then we set a log-off-timer for the nightly Guild Event....

Tonight's Guild Event: irl Naked dancing - Come if you like!:thumbup1:

Damn that sounds alright to me! :lol:

Nice to hear from you again CDC! We miss seeing you all in-game! :sad3:


As for UO it is nothing but a cheat filled pile of crud and I keep telling my wife that she should just do what me and the other 6 members of our family did and close her account. That way she can spend her extra time dancing naked for me.
Ya whatever the pacific forums are fill with people that claim to not play uo yet they are the ones with 1k or more posts. Just a suggestion if you want to fake like you don't play this game for whatever crybaby reason you have this time then go away no one cares lol you will not be missed. O and she can spend her time dancing for me since you spend your time posting on a form for a game you say you don't play.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I sent your dumbass a PM expressing my thoughts on your idiotic post.

Follow the advice I gave you and just go away.

Old Macdonald

Ya whatever the pacific forums are fill with people that claim to not play uo yet they are the ones with 1k or more posts. Just a suggestion if you want to fake like you don't play this game for whatever crybaby reason you have this time then go away no one cares lol you will not be missed. O and she can spend her time dancing for me since you spend your time posting on a form for a game you say you don't play.
This thread wasn't meant to trashtalk, but if you want to thats fine. My money goes on ColterDC. lols.