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missing npc's


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thought I would mention that there are a couple of missing npc on ls as of last patch for one cynthia is missing from outside the tailor shop in delucia

I realize the names changed after last patch but i swear there where 2 tailors and one guild master in delucia!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They have to respawn NPCs to update their shop lists, so i'm guessing for the addition of the new skin dye they chose to just respawn all NPCs rather than single out the ones that sell it.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They have to respawn NPCs to update their shop lists, so i'm guessing for the addition of the new skin dye they chose to just respawn all NPCs rather than single out the ones that sell it.
I had forgotten about the dye! so that makes sense! But still seems there is one missing i have been gathering my bods there and crafting there sense t2a came into existence and I still think there is one missing its no biggie just seems weird after so long she used to be outside the shop on the right side and there was one inside now there is just the one and the guild master plus fur traders etc


Elwood McCarrin the Collector is missing from the deck New Haven. We can't do the collector's quest without him!

Edit: Nevermind, Elwood came back the day after I posted this.