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Missing Boats

  • Thread starter Dakotawinds
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


I am new to Catskills, played Legends for years went on there today to refresh my orcs ships and the runes to my ships don't work. I refreshed them on Sat so they did not decay. So I went on Legends statics and Uriah had posted there is a problem with runes. So be aware you my no longer have a ship.


From posts on other shards, it seems that GM's are helping to locate lost boats. It might be a little wait in queue, but it should be better than randomly crisscrossing the oceans.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I seem to remember a link between missing boats and server lines. Might be a good place to look while you wait for the GM.


Seasoned Veteran
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Sorry i had to :) but only becouse the above cool dudes offered the helped needed.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
When a boat goes missing it's usually one of 3 things:
1) Pirates
2) Drunken tillerman showing off for wenches
3) Black Sun found an unlocked boat and went joyriding.

This time it's not #3.

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
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If you dock at either Magincia or the Floating Sea Market for too long, the tiller-man goes nuts and takes off. Most ships are found along a server line, or the far side of New Haven.

First see if you can set another ship in the water, if yes, your ship is decayed.

If no, then page a GM and explain very carefully that your ship popped away from the dock, and you need them to move you to your ship.

Once you find the wayward vessel you will need to remark a rune to it yourself, as your ship is now really borked.

Hope you find it.


Order | Chaos
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you dock at either Magincia or the Floating Sea Market for too long, the tiller-man goes nuts and takes off. Most ships are found along a server line, or the far side of New Haven.

First see if you can set another ship in the water, if yes, your ship is decayed.

If no, then page a GM and explain very carefully that your ship popped away from the dock, and you need them to move you to your ship.

Once you find the wayward vessel you will need to remark a rune to it yourself, as your ship is now really borked.

Hope you find it.
And repeat the above instructions every day.


Always Present
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This is different than the dock thing.
It's a known issue though and the dev team is working on it.


And it's not a server line thing either. My ship wan't near any server lines and I had to sail out to it and remark runes. I guess the only safe thing to do right now is dry dock your ship when your not using it. Hopefully they will fix this soon.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know I had my ship stationed near the Sea Market and had refreshed it on Sunday morning. That evening a friend told me her rune to my ship was not working anymore, so we tried mine. My rune also did not work and showed my ship as dry docked. We took her ship out to where I leave my ship and it was there where I had parked it. Needless to say we marked new runes and then dry docked my ship rather than have a bug make me lose it. Hopefully they will get this problem worked out soon.


Seasoned Veteran
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Same thing happend to me my ship is parked in my guild's city but my rune no longer works and says its dry docked but lucky for me my ship is still where I left it .

They Call Me Al

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Both of my ships did the same thing (runes not working). The one I had posted near the dock stayed in place, but the one that I had sitting about a screen west of the serpent pillar went AWOL for about 3 days. Luckily a fishing obsessed guild mate happened upon her north of skara brae. I'll still never be able to figure out how my locked boat sailed that far, however I made sure to fire the lush that used to sit behind her wheel.

Until the law is passed that tillermen are NOT allowed to SWI (sail while intoxicated), I'm keeping my ships safely dry-docked.