For those Citizens of Minoc who were unable to attend the council meeting with King Blackthorn we missed your presence but in the effort of full governmental transparency my scribes have taken the time to copy my speech to the King so you, and everyone else, can read it. They were also kind enough to include all the missing Ts that I seemed to have issues pronouncing during the council meeting.
Victor II said:Greetings your Majesty, Governors, Lords and Ladies. Greetings to all citizens of Britannia, be you Humans, Elves, Gargoyles, Goblins or other more. I, Victor II, am just another fellow traveler along the path of Virtue and welcome all of you to join the city of Minoc and I look forward to representing you now, and in the future as this council continues.
I have come amongst you today, as you see, not for my recreation and display, but in the midst of political and physical battle raging in my home town. If I am to live and die amongst you all; to lay down for Sacrifice, for Minoc, and my people I can do no less but to stand before King Blackthorn today and represent the fears and desires of my fellows.
I know I have but the body but of a weak and wiry archer; but I have the heart and stomach of a King, even though I am but a pale shade to a King of Britannia, and think foul scorn that enemies of our land, should dare to invade the borders of our realm. I would rather any dishonor be given to me, than to not take up arms here in Council or in the field of battle by representing not myself, but the artisans, merchants, and warriors of Minoc.
I have four requests of his grace, two regarding the safety of the land, one to help improve the prosperity of not only Minoc but of Yew, Jhelom, and other towns, and one to help raise the morale of our town.
Due to the recent attacks on Minoc and her interests we have signed a mutual defense pact with our closest neighbor, the city of Vesper. As beneficial as this is, and without slighting the bravery of our neighbors, the citizens feel this is not enough to protect our homes and interests. While we have extended our realm of protection to our gypsy friends we barely have enough armed guards to patrol the area. Thus the citizens of Minoc humbly request an increase in the amount of guards we can employ in order to patrol our city and defend our interests.
In regards to our gypsy friends, we are very excited to have them in the city of Minoc. They have long been a positive influence and supportive of the endeavors of Minoc and not only bring us new and rare materials but help our wares reach the far reaching corners of Sosaria. However, recent issues with attacks, not only withing the city but along the roads, have caused a series of problems and even forced several of our friends to seek refuge in Vesper and even The Lost Lands. We have no want to see them removed from our town and and as such wish to offer them the same protection we bestow upon our own, more permanent, citizens. Thus the citizens of Minoc humbly request that we remove the paltry tents housing the gypsies and provide them more protection by creating a large hostel in which they may all reside and escape the elements with a real roof over their heads and hide from danger with a real wall to protect their children.
While the defense of Minoc is an important part of our livelihood, we must also continue to make gold in which to pay our taxes and feed our hungry mouths. Minoc has been home to the famous sawmill, although known more recently as the place to get your start as a miner or blacksmith thanks to the rich bounties of Mount Kendall and nearby Covetous dungeon, but she lacks in one area that is most beneficial to not only Minoc but to Yew and even interested parties in Jhelom, Vesper, and Britain. This would be trade by sea. Thus the citizens of Minoc humbly request that we build a dock in order to begin trade by sea as well as by land. There are many great locations still being discussed by our committees but once funds and approval have been granted our industrious citizens will be more than excited to begin construction.
And on to my final point, and I will try to be quick as I didn't wish to take up more time than Vesper did! This is simply a request for improving civic appearence around the city of Minoc. We are had workers and our expansion has always been rapid. Because of this we have outgrown the normal development of cities and find ourselves lacking in a few basic services and appearances. The citizens of Minoc humbly request two beautification projects; one to finish the statues that have been under construction for years in the center of town, two to finally have our roads paved and finished as we have grown so fast that we have but simple dirt paths or broken stone still lining the ground beneath our feet.
Thank you for your time my King. May you forever follow the Virtues.