who was complaining?Why would you complain about this?!
I noticed my sandals are losing durability and remembered this post and thought, hey, let me let people know that the sandals aren't bugged.Minax's Sandals display durability, however the durability does not decrease.
For the sake of accuracy, or its close cousin, I checked the sandals out again after getting dirty w/ the turtle...I like the idea of slow durability loss!
You are correct. And that explains the mystery of what I thought was slow dura loss.... these things do have a hidden self repair property. I checked mine today and it's back to 255.Here's another oddity to throw into this mix:
My Minax sandals seem to have some hidden self repair.
When I first saw this post I was interested because I remembered my sandals were at 253/255 from the last time I was out, so I logged in to check and found them at 255/255. Figured I just mistakenly thought they had worn, and went about fighting today. After a few Navreys I left and before logging off noticed the sandals were at 253/255, affirming they do in fact lose durability.
Well, I just logged back in tonight and my sandals are back to 255/255.
I'm gonna test it one more time to verify.
You are correct. And that explains the mystery of what I thought was slow dura loss.... these things do have a hidden self repair property. I checked mine today and it's back to 255.
So, can the devs throw us a bone and allow this bug to remain? This is in keeping with the sandals being "just that darn lucky"....