So I've been back for 3 weeks now after being inactive for 3 years. I'm happy to find that wearing platemail is finally justified for warriors, but it seems not that easy to achieve:
- Minax's reward: It's awesome that we get to choose different wearables, as I've always hated wearing robes and glasses (mace/shield glasses). Why cant we be allowed to trade in the ones that we already own for a different style? All I ever wanted was to wear plate mail but over the years I had to wear glasses. I realized that in order to trade in for a plate helm, it would take days and days of farming to get 50 points and another 100 points for the luck shoulder. OMG, that is not gonna happen. there already a way that I just dont know yet?
- Refinement: Awesome, time to get rid of all Mage Armor and get real platemail parts. After reading some old posts and pulling up some 50 SOS chests, I realized that platemail refinement are very rare. The drop rate is like 5% and less. I dont see myself wanting to start crafting new suits soon. Fighting bosses for legendary artifacts seems more rewarding.