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Minax guarding come get some


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And what? Corner your guild in a house at base? Sounds like fun.
Sorry bud that would be a negative. Thanks for the nearly 4 hours of straight pvp guys. TB and SL you guys nearly broke us. COM you guys put up a hell of a fight for the numbers you guys had.

Everybody had a blast. Look forward to the next one



Oh I am sure if you we're able to place a house right outside your base you would too.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope, we would actually fight still. Good try though.
Tenki I'm going to try and give you the benefit of the doubt here cause I'm sure you have a general knowledge of factions. The house he is talking about is a pivotal faction house. Always has been always will be on every shard until they move the faction zone further out for the mountain. Luckily Minax owns the house. It is a addition of the choke point as well as a easy stocking house for protecting or raiding minax base.

The point of the post and the night was to get the fight out of Yew gate and the houses. It was successful. That night there was no use of any houses. There was no need for it. It was a successfull battle that fielded good numbers on both sides. Minax (guarding) vs everybody else.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tenki I'm going to try and give you the benefit of the doubt here cause I'm sure you have a general knowledge of factions. The house he is talking about is a pivotal faction house. Always has been always will be on every shard until they move the faction zone further out for the mountain. Luckily Minax owns the house. It is a addition of the choke point as well as a easy stocking house for protecting or raiding minax base.

The point of the post and the night was to get the fight out of Yew gate and the houses. It was successful. That night there was no use of any houses. There was no need for it. It was a successfull battle that fielded good numbers on both sides. Minax (guarding) vs everybody else.
Right on man. Reason why my posts are justified because usually the fights consist of HWM house hiding either with TB being out numbered or even numbers.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Right on man. Reason why my posts are justified because usually the fights consist of HWM house hiding either with TB being out numbered or even numbers.
Personal opinion. Napa PvP is primarily at yew gate. HWM begins at the gate. They meet at a house and fight out of it until the advantage is taken. TB goes to yew gate while there is a advantage and then run into a house once it is lost. No matter which way you try and justify it, "yew gate is house hiding."


Yes the house I was talking about is the one right outside the pass to Minax base. It serves as a great choke-point. I used it when it was mine. When we we're out-gunned by KDL. When a bunch of PvMers fought a bunch of PvPers and won. I have only been back for a few days and have had some good fights. As always though people use whatever they have to help them. TB has the guards south of the bank (and those fricken traps.....) They use them no biggie. I would if I could. All in all I think we are having a good time fighting. Not to much chatter just some good fighting. So keep up the good fight no matter what Faction you a sporting keep the smake talk down. And remember why we play the Game for FUN.