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Midnight Mafia Auction


Dark Druid

Yes after much talk. Dosa , Alex, and DB are coming back. We will be holding a auction on Nov 28 time is still to be decided.

We will have all the old games back, with some new ones *wink*.
So plain on coming and have a get time.

And questions please ICQ DB or leave a message on the message board at the MMA vendor house located by the west entrace of Luna.

I will keep you all posted with time and the list of items as soon as it is ready.

Thank you and hope to see you all there.

Dark Druid.

Dark Druid

Here is the list for tonight. I know its not a uber list but were testing the waters again. Gate will start at 6:45 eastern.

Primeval Lich Stat
Faire Fire and Mischief Maker
Saddle (Lvl 9 Stealable)
JPN Slime Dyed Reward Shirts
Hunter's Headress
Gargish Portrait (Lvl 7 Stealable)
Medusa Stat
120 Throwing PS
Abyssal Infernal Stat
Full Set of Demon Blood
Jester Hat of Chuckles
Purplish Hair Dye (MEL)
Lvl 9 Sculpture
Hooded Shroud of Shadows
Rubble Bed Part
Yellowish Hair Dye (MEL)
Runebook Dye Tub ( UNUSED )
Small Banana Tree
Mongbat Dartboard
Full Set of Snow Globes (all 3 sets)
2 Dragon Brazier and Surveyor's Scope
JPN promo token Toko dye
Race change and Statue Token
Blaze Vet Reobe
5 POF's
Stone Spike
Provo/Music Mark

Hope to see you all there.