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[Fishing] Mib's and refinements

Duncan Drake

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey there, i have a question regarding mib's and refinements. Maybe anyone knows an answer

I got a couple of mibs from treasure chests across all facets. Now as far as i know those messages are not bound to a specific facet like treasure maps but can be fished up in trammel and / or felucca.

So my question, it was written in pub 81 notes that refinement quality is much better in felucca. Does this apply to mib's fished in felucca as well?

Lord Lew

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They say it does, but after doing a hundred on both, I can see no difference, maybe my sample was too small

Duncan Drake

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thx a lot. Unfortunately the data is a bit fustrating. I think chances are higher to get a slither owned by noone from meduse than to get the refinements i need :-(


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey there, i have a question regarding mib's and refinements. Maybe anyone knows an answer

I got a couple of mibs from treasure chests across all facets. Now as far as i know those messages are not bound to a specific facet like treasure maps but can be fished up in trammel and / or felucca.

So my question, it was written in pub 81 notes that refinement quality is much better in felucca. Does this apply to mib's fished in felucca as well?
I've collected a lot of reifnements from chests, ships and mibs. The best drops I've had have come from fel mibs. The drop rate of invul refinements is very very low though.