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[Fishing] MIB on land?

Rotgut Willy

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I just got a MIB for coordinates 80.57S, 146.10E. This is on the New Haven west coast. Umm. Eh?

MIB does say "Trammel or Felucca".

Kas Althume

Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
Try in felucca then. There is no new haven area. Should be possible to get the trasure up there.

Rotgut Willy

Seasoned Veteran
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I checked the Fel map and it's still on land (Occlo), unless my maps are wrong. :(


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

That's where I make it, I reckon if you fish on the closest water tile to it, You'll reach it.

Rotgut Willy

Seasoned Veteran
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Yeah, next time I'm over that way I'm going to search just off the coast. Just thought it was odd.. never had a MIB with coord's on land before.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
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Those poor souls. Must have been a wild storm or a foggy eve and they crashed right into occlo. Could have been pirates with good loot or some helpless soul with nothing but boots and dinner for their children. We shall see after you make it over there for the bounty of the chest.



New Player Protector
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Should still be able to fish it up I think, don't need to be on top of an MIB to fish it...


I had an sos and the coordinates were right on top of the sea market, I just got as close as I could and the sos came up :)

Rotgut Willy

Seasoned Veteran
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I got as close as I could, but only caught fish. Ah well. I had plenty of other MIB's to search for. The drop rate of the new bow, chest and legs seems really high. I have kelp leggings coming out of my ears. :D


I got as close as I could, but only caught fish. Ah well. I had plenty of other MIB's to search for. The drop rate of the new bow, chest and legs seems really high. I have kelp leggings coming out of my ears. :D
I agree!! One day I got that bow in 4 out of 5 chests I did!


New Player Protector
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Stratics Legend
In case anyone runs into problems with MIB's who are apparently stuck under some of the new parts of Fire Island since the SA expansion, try fishing them up in Fel. The new lands aren't there on the Felucca side...

And Rotgut: weird that you couldn't fish it up. Maybe a GM could help you out and re-decode the SOS into a bottle, or you could consider filing a bug report to the devs, the e-mail for reporting a bug is listed in one of the sticky threads in U.Hall...

Rotgut Willy

Seasoned Veteran
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Yeah I should at least file a bug report. I'm not too concerned with the loss of the SOS though; I had plenty of others. I just thought it was odd since I've never had that happen before.