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Methods for Taming Heal Eodon Pets

Put Put

I know this has been discussed with alot of theory. But I was stacking a bunch of heal lions in my stable before I did a TC1 copy and I was able to figure out a method that gave me 100% results with keeping healing.

I'd take a lion and beat it down which is a general thing everyone is doing. Then I invis, unvis and hit it for damage. Pre-cast Invis and wait for a heal. As soon as the first heal hits I self target. If you self target in time, the lion will heal non stop till 100%. So this part only works for a peace tamer. I break my invis with targeted peacemaking the lion. Then I'll walk up and start taming him.

Now the part that will confidently tell you that this lion is going to have healing is that the whole time your taming him peace'd. He's STILL healing. If you don't manage to tame him before peace wears off and he retargets you then he will have a chance of losing it. So far to me it seems everytime they retarget they have a chance to lose healing skill again.

If during the initial invis he does not heal I'll repeat invising and letting him retarget until I get a heal and go through the peace process again.

So anyone with a peace tamer and interest in playing with a heal lion, try it out, tell me I'm crazy :)

I haven't tried this with the other Eodon Pets so far if anyone wants to beat me to that.