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Metalliac Dye tub

  • Thread starter Cantabrigian British
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Cantabrigian British

If I had known that the metallic dye tub was going to be added as a vet reward, then I would have gotten one.

Now I am forced to either wait another year to get one... or convince someone to trade or sell me one.

By chance is anyone considering selling one? Or trading one? Not trying to really make any serious offers yet. But I would like one. And I do have a handful of rare stuff that may be of value enough for someone to trade.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What you really need is a nice person who has the various dye tubs locked down in their house, access set to "anyone". Maybe you want to dye a lot of stuff, tho?

Hmm.... maybe I'll do that.

(edit: OK - public tubs available at DNM guild shop: next to Yew moongate (Trammel), downscreen, now includes metal dye tub)

Cantabrigian British

What you really need is a nice person who has the various dye tubs locked down in their house, access set to "anyone". Maybe you want to dye a lot of stuff, tho?

Hmm.... maybe I'll do that.

(edit: OK - public tubs available at DNM guild shop: next to Yew moongate (Trammel), downscreen, now includes metal dye tub)

I actually found a public placed one. I just want one for my own personal collection.