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(OT) Messanna roulette event on LS yesterday


Always Present
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Just curious..i dont play LS...only europa and atlantic...but i would be well cheesed off if mesanna did the roulette without any announcement to joe public on the shard i played...you can bet ya last dollar all the rares collectors were there in force........

Any thoughts LS players????...did u miss out or did u go?? did u know about it?? ONLY a new player or newish player could have made a nice bit of gold here.....and enjoyed a special one of event.


Babbling Loonie
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I'm not sure I understand you correctly?

So there were issues on other shards that were adjusted as other roulette requests came up so players actually from Lake Superior could enjoy them and this cheeses you off.....

Color me confused.

The community of Lake Superior hosted a player ran all day festival. It was planned for months and the day of went so smoothly with so much fun that posts like this over something we enjoyed for the LS players are the reason you don't see many posts like this. Because EMs and Mesanna I'm sure have got to be shaking their head once again.

We also requested that Mesanna present Autolycus and Aname a statue thanking them for their service to our shard. We appreciate what they do for us including Mesanna.


Always Present
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so thats fine...i think u well well misunderstanded my post......at least you all new mesanna was coming....at least the public of LS enjoyed the mesanna roulette as well as the xsharders...awesome!!!:thumbup:


Babbling Loonie
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I am not sure I did misunderstand the nature of your post. Something along the lines of "I can't sell it too!" with the ones that popped up on the rares forum?*grins*

Either way THP I wish you no ill will, in fact the opposite. It is all a part of the game we love called Ultima Online. It is up to the players sometimes to safe guard to the best of their abilities what they hold dear and Mesanna is someone we hold dear.

Think for a second how much time she dedicates when she hosts these. Typically on a weekend so typically on her own time. So when a line full of A AA B BB G GG characters start to form that are so rare themselves in fact we NEVER see them before or during an actual event, well you can imagine the more coherently named 'toons' waiting behind them feeling a bit let down eh? Not to mention the extra time it means Mesanna dedicates without question.

So please don't think of this as trying to prevent you or anyone else from doing what you enjoy with 'rares.' Think of it more as the LS community thinking of Mesanna's time at her desk on a Saturday and yes the players themselves.

I hope you win your bid on the rares forum and can share in the part of the game you enjoy most.



Always Present
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Again u fail to see my point...

Mesanna is awesome...i hold her dear as u do tooo....she spends an incredible amount of her own time at these events...and i just hope she gets to ''meet new people''....share her roulette game with many otheres and not just the box standard 40 peeps that ''seem to show up at every mesanna event''....rain or shine with there aa bb cc chars in the waiting....

..ive only ever made one mesanna event btw....and that was only because a xmas holiday xshard freind gave me a nudge....thats was catskills......sorry if u mistake me for someone other than who iam.

if mesanna came to europa and there was no warning..to the europa public.....id be very upset....especilly as i would then have to buy buy buy like i always have too......


Shamus Turlough

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There was plenty of warning, everyone who participated in the event we held also got to participate in Mesanna's roulette. There was no time to advertise it on Stratics, and I personally would not have anyway. The roulette was more a 'Thank You' to the players of LS for a well attended, well run event.


Always Present
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There was plenty of warning, everyone who participated in the event we held also got to participate in Mesanna's roulette. There was no time to advertise it on Stratics, and I personally would not have anyway. The roulette was more a 'Thank You' to the players of LS for a well attended, well run event.
and that how it should be....if u read my post i state i would be cheesed off if the mesanna event took plac on MY OWN SHARD... without NOTICE ON MY OWN SHARD....???? its easy reading????

Iam glad LS players took part in the LS mesanna...

Read the post!!!!! i would be cheesed of if EUROPA did a mesanna if europa did not advertise it in some way


Heart Breaker

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Again, THP, you're showing your true colours.

Clearly you need to learn how to express yourself. I made it to that LS roulette event, and I rarely play UO these days, and i'm sure if there was an event like this on Europa, someone would let me know ... and if I was actually available to participate that would be even better! LOL

If you only know greedy people who refuse to share information like this, then I feel sad for you. Europa is a close-knit community, which is why I prefer it over Atlantic. :)