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[Price Check] Mesanna SC purple sparkle Lantern Atlantic

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
Hi there,
out of this price check this lantern might end up on an auction if i feel the price is right ;)

The Lantern has SC as you can see and its doing a purple/pink sprakling if you hold it.

Please let me know what you think - if this is going to be auctioned, i will only take gold on Pacific for it where the item is located too - i wont transfer it.

Txs in advance for your interest.

mesannalanteratlantic.JPG mesannalanteratlantic2.JPG

Ron Silverbeard

Stratics Veteran
Well, 100 Mil pricecheck is getting me interrested in auctioning this item off.

I will set it up when i am home in a few hours - 3 days auction or quick end if buyout is met.

Txs for your info's!