For those who don't remember, after Trammel was introduced, most people went to Trammel and didn't look back, thus causing an imbalance in server loads which persists to this day.
Eventually, Champ Spawns were "borrowed" from Ilshenar and put in Felucca, with the reward of Power Scrolls added.
However, at first....There was Khaldun.
Note this item:
There were these puzzle chest thingies that were fun, and some of the higher-end NPCs spawned good weapons.
-Galen's player
For those who don't remember, after Trammel was introduced, most people went to Trammel and didn't look back, thus causing an imbalance in server loads which persists to this day.
Eventually, Champ Spawns were "borrowed" from Ilshenar and put in Felucca, with the reward of Power Scrolls added.
However, at first....There was Khaldun.
Note this item:
An attempt to prevent the place from becoming a red camping zone. The repercussions were the spawning of a revenant (did I spell that right?), which are of course now most popular as Necromancer summons. Sadly, the PKs were unhappy with the repercussions, and successfully lobbied to have the revenant spawn turned down.Killing another player will sometimes bring unexpected repercussions upon the murderer.
There were these puzzle chest thingies that were fun, and some of the higher-end NPCs spawned good weapons.
-Galen's player