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Maya's Letter to Gorn

EM Fiorella

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My Dear Gorn,

Our working so closely and all the sweet things you did are very fond memories for me now. With this mutant exposure I fear for those around me. Their well being, their safety.

I am aware of the feelings that have been stirring between the two of us. It is something I have cherished over the past few months. The thought of you taking your time to help the citizens fight for a cure for me makes my heart so happy to know you cared so.

However, in light of the cure not being as such, I have not been myself. My color has returned to appear to be normal, but my mind, it's thoughts have drifted ways I never imagined they could go. Thoughts have come and gone from my mind that I never imagined before. My tongue can be a wicked tool as of late. Everyone at the castle understands what I'm going through, but when my mind rights itself, I feel terrible for having said those things. It just never been me to say and do such things.

It is for these reasons and many more I request you not visit me at the Castle. I do not want you to see or hear me as I am now. I care for you too much to bring you into such a situation.

Please, remember me as I was. I have put in a petition to Queen Dawn to allow me to begin work on discovering the true cure. I will be learning magics and potions that I do not know understand or know what they will do to me. When I am able to find a cure, and I will, we can then be reunited again.

I care deeply for you, always remember that.

Until such time as I am myself again,

Maya Demeter