As you may have heard, Stratics has a new feature called "Sports Reports." These new reports list, for both Trammel and Felucca, the top 10 characters in a single battle for the Void Pool and overall total scores for the Void Pool as of a particular date. They also show for the arena system the top 10 players for the Survival Ranking and the top 10 players for the Team Ranking as of a particular date. We hope to be able to provide updated reports on at least a monthly basis, if not on a weekly basis.
You can find the May 24, 2012 report for Lake Austin here. You can also find reports for all shards here:
UO Stratics *New* | Global Sports Reports . There are links on the right side of this Global Reports page to jump you to the report for a specific shard.
You can find the May 24, 2012 report for Lake Austin here. You can also find reports for all shards here:
UO Stratics *New* | Global Sports Reports . There are links on the right side of this Global Reports page to jump you to the report for a specific shard.