Sorry for not revealing the whole scenario. I use 2 clients when I'm hunting, so my tamer and pets do the tanking, my 2nd acct is the weaponeer. My tamer also runs the provo bard songs, so I get the extra hci and DI that comes from that. I'm not that concerned about my suit, I have the necessary studded for 55 lmc, and do chain AI with a 100 hml bladed staff. I'm killing dread pirates and UO Guide has limited info on them. Is there a slayer for human npcs ? I just want to maximize my time by doing as much damage as quickly as possible. There's 0 issue with surviving the fight, at least so far.
only 95 dex, but 137 stam, and I have 0 ssi for now, on anything. I don't mind raising my dex to the max if needed, because again, I don't really need to have perfectly balanced stats/suit for survival. I read in another thread where someone was using LJ as well. I didn't think that bonus still existed. I have GM LJ at my disposal too if that will be better ? I've been really ignorant about how to make best use of a weapon. I was looking at it all wrong thinking I needed the fastest for the most damage, instead of paying attention to the damage over time instead.