I play on 3 shards, mainly because I like to have different kind of templates to play. I don't have so much time for this game, that I would feel ok to pay for more then 1 account, so I just expand my playing to other shards to get my templates.
Problem of course is that I can have only 1 house.
What if there was max house storage limit per account, instead of limiting it to 1 house per account. This way players like me could have 7x7 house on couple of shards instead of having one max storage house on one shard like I have now.
This way people could not fill all shards with huge houses, but they could still use houses on different shards.
I play on 3 shards, mainly because I like to have different kind of templates to play. I don't have so much time for this game, that I would feel ok to pay for more then 1 account, so I just expand my playing to other shards to get my templates.
Problem of course is that I can have only 1 house.
What if there was max house storage limit per account, instead of limiting it to 1 house per account. This way players like me could have 7x7 house on couple of shards instead of having one max storage house on one shard like I have now.
This way people could not fill all shards with huge houses, but they could still use houses on different shards.